PEACEWORK: Independent soul formation releases debut CD in Merrickville

Are you ready? Love and Peace Maren & Scott

Press release:

PEACEWORK: Independent soul formation releases debut CD in Merrickville

SAT 17th November 2007
doors open 8 pm

baldachin inn ballroom (
111 st lawrence @ main
613 269 4223

tickets @ harry mclean’s pub (same address) or from the band $ 20 includes admission and cd at door

There are ten songs on the album “choices” – containing brand new material, Scott points out: “Just To Be With You” is a song that I wrote for Maren, when we were visiting her family in Germany earlier this year. It was awesome to present it only three days later on a huge Berlin outdoor stage where one of her friends put us up to play for the Green Party on a worker’s day celebration (bits and pieces of that experience soon on myspace). There were easily 10 000 people

PEACEWORK Marianenplatz, Berlin, Germany

gathering – it is then when you realize that people can make a difference every day, with your choices where to shop, how to travel or commute, how to work, what to eat – everything is connected. And that is how we got our band motto, every step counts!”

Maren Molthan and Scott Arena founded the band PEACEWORK three years ago. They both play guitar and sing. The CD contains entirely original material, groovy songs with a message. “Have It All”, first on the cd, is a typical example, explains Maren: “I was listening to CBC when George W got reelected, and just felt devastated, he would have another four years to ruin the country some more… so many people left the government that day, and I remember all those applications for Canadian residency or even citizenship coming in from down there – three hours and a heated discussion later, the song was basically written – we have too much at stake to let foolish marionettes in politics carry out the monstrous ways of unsustainable neo-economics. To write that song was our way to speak out against the arrogance!”

In addition to the ten audio files that can be played on cd players, the artists threw in two movies, all songs in mp3 format and the lyrics of the songs in pdf – included on the data part of the cd – a part that windows and mac computers will be able to read. “It was kind of important for both of us, to have something physical like a cd, but we sure are fascinated with the digital market – maybe we’ll do the next album on a USB-drive, like the Barenaked Ladies. We like the idea of reusing things and giving the consumer a “choice” … that word is just everywhere”, smile the musicians.

Very proud are the two song writers to have the Phils from Bova Sound, Ottawa, play drums and bass. They are a father and son team and also produced the PEACEWORK cd (and Scott’s first with his former band Free Souls). Phillip Victor Bova (bass) and Philip Shaw Bova (drums) are also known for their superb analog guitar and mic preamps, regularly sold from their company Sage to the band members of Tom Petty and other successful Rock’n Rollers.

Furthermore will the band receive reinforcement in form of hot and holy back vocals by two local female singers known from gigs in the area with the formation Uncommon Ground.

A message from the band:

we’ve got two songs up from our brand new cd (check CD Baby and itunes etc. after the release) –

Listen for free and come out to the release in Merrickville – nice break from the big city, as there are tons of lovely b&b’s right in town, and with the various arts and artisan stores you might get some x-mas shopping done at the same time.

Think twice: Your dollar is going to make a big difference in a Canadian community instead of going to a big corporation!

PEACE OUT, everybody!

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