Hier ist ein exzellenter Artikel zum Thema wer finanziert hier wen. Ein kleiner Ausschnitt:
“From the days of beaver trapping to today’s aspirations of becoming an energy superpower, Canada’s economy has always been based on natural resources. With 90% of its settler population amassed along the southern border, exploitation of the land’s wealth almost always happens at the expense of the Indigenous population.
Canada’s economy could not have been build without massive subsidies: of land, resource wealth, and the incalculable cost of generations of suffering.
Overall numbers are difficult to pin down, but consider the following: Canadian governments received $9 billion in taxes and royalties in 2011 from mining companies, which is a tiny portion of overall mining profits; $3.8 billion came from exports of hydroelectricity alone in 2008, and 60 per cent of Canada’s electricity comes from hydroelectric dams; one estimate has tar sands extraction bringing in $1.2 trillion in royalties over 35 years; the forestry industry was worth $38.2 billion in 2006, and contributes billions in royalties and taxes.
By contrast, annual government spending on First Nations is $5.36 billion, which comes to about $7,200 per person. By contrast, per capita government spending in Ottawa is around $14,900. By any reasonable measure, it’s clear that First Nations are the ones subsidizing Canada. (2005 figures; the amount is slightly higher today.)
These industries are mostly take place on an Indigenous nation’s traditional territory, laying waste to the land in the process, submerging, denuding, polluting and removing. The human costs are far greater; brutal tactics aimed at erasing native peoples’ identity and connection with the land have created human tragedies several generations deep and a legacy of fierce and principled resistance that continues today.”
Thanks to Corvin Russell & Martin Lukacs for compiling these – Please add more folks!
this was published in solidarity & alliance w/ Indigenous rights movement
by Settlers in Support of Indigenous Rights & Idle No More on Sunday, December 23, 2012 at 2:21am
A great website by Kate Sjoberg collecting interviews with settlers, along with her own insightful reflections: http://imasettler.blogspot.ca/
The brilliant Shiri Pasternak: http://imasettler.blogspot.ca/#!/2012/11/shiri-pasternak-toronto.html
A beautiful article by Dru Oja Jay : http://www.dominionpaper.ca/articles/2185
Conversation with Algonquin land defender Norman Matchewan: http://www.policyalternatives.ca/publications/ourschools-ourselves/our-schoolsour-selves-spring-2012WT
Harsha Walia on decolonizing together: http://briarpatchmagazine.com/articles/view/decolonizing-together
An excellent interview with Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz http://www.zcommunications.org/the-opposite-of-truth-is-forgetting-by-roxanne-dunbar-ortiz
Another with Andrea Smith: http://uppingtheanti.org/journal/article/10-building-unlikely-alliances-an-interview-with-andrea-smith/
And a good response from Corvin Russell : http://uppingtheanti.org/journal/article/11-tactical-alliances/”
“A roundtable on relationship-building in indigenous solidarity work By Zainab Amadahy”: http://indyclass.files.wordpress.com/2008/09/e2809clisten-take-direction-and-stick-around1.pdf
Kanehsatake 270 Years of Resistance http://www.nfb.ca/film/kanehsatake_270_years_of_resistance/
Jurisdiction and Education Presentation by Sharon Venne http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8xAMw6ZyEc