New Orleans Swamp Donkeys airing on Spektakel SAT 9th NOV 2013

the way the guitar player and the horn section comp when the off stage trumpet solos – big sigh. now why do I have to find these people on my independent research after going through your ton of what u put officially in your recommendations, reverbnation. Listened 2 five of them, was ticked off after 2 already., take note: what u promote in the emails 2 your subscribers is soft boiled consumer GARBAGE featuring people who have no rhythm. HOW COME REALLY MUSICAL PEOPLE WITH TALENT PUTTING OUT THESE AMAZING COMPOSITIONS R NEVER RECOMMENDED?

Am Samstag einschalten zum Spektakel im

Radio Tonkuhle live stream
SAT 9th NOV 2013 11AM EST/17h MEZ

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