The Line Canada disclaimer

Prominent original member and founder of the explicitly non-violent movement Lamont Daigle who saw himself previously smeared Nixon-style as an “unsavoury character” in main stream for-profit publishing organs, explicitly endorsed the statement and commitment to non-violence and independence. The question remains who is trying to smear and / or incite the resistance this time at Dundas Square?! All of these organizations struggling to uphold the rights and freedoms of Canadians have to fundraise somehow ! the fact that somebody wears a jacket with a logo of a certain organization means that they were ready to put some dollars to their talking – it also means that it was probably freezing and because of the ongoing sabotage of any for-profit small business operation in that province and that city – guess what ! Warm coats are no longer plentiful in a January in Canada – that doesn’t make them a leader, nor an impersonator. It keeps them warm while they’re marching for your rights.
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