Judicial review



An Application for a Judicial Review of the recently invoked Emergencies Act was submitted to the Attorney General of Canada and is scheduled to be heard this Fri, Feb 25 @ 10:00 a.m. and we need YOUR HELP!

In Good Faith the Applicants engaged with lawyers who included arguments for the Charter. We have notified the parties of the risk to ALL Canadians and Our Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms if it is not first amended or altogether revoked. They are reviewing the documents in this light at this time.

Since they have put us ALL at risk, a Cease & Desist has been drafted for every individual to protect themselves and to pursue damages (real or perceived) from the Applicants if they do not amend or revoke their application by 10:00 a.m. EST Thurs, Feb 24, 2022.

Please read and if you wish … Continue reading

The state of Canada assaults female reporter.

Moments ago, Trudeau’s police attacked our reporter Alexa Lavoie.

She was simply doing her job: documenting Canada’s shocking descent into martial law. She’s not a protester. She’s a journalist. But she’s not one of Trudeau’s journalists.

So when one of Trudeau’s cops spotted her today, he made a bee-line for her. He beat her with a stick, and he shot her in the leg with a tear gas canister. Take a look:

BREAKING: Rebel News journalist Alexa Lavoie attacked by Ottawa police

Trudeau has a vendetta against Alexa. You might remember, Alexa asked the best question in the entire 2021 election debates — about why he doesn’t recognize natural immunity when it comes to Covid. Trudeau was so flustered by the question, he refused to answer her.

He’s never forgiven her for making … Continue reading

RCMP email leak

Dear Maren,

A shocking series of internal messages written by RCMP riot cops have been leaked to the media.

The messages are in what appears to be on a WhatsApp group for RCMP marked “Social Musical Ride 2022”.

“Time for the protesters to hear our jackboots on the ground,” writes one member named Andrew Nixon.

That evoked laughter from other RCMP officers who jokingly said, “this is a kinder gentler RCMP”. Nixon replied, “OK, we can give out free hugs and unicorn stickers”.

Another RCMP officer named Marca referred to a shocking incident where RCMP riot horses charged into the crowd of protesters, knocking over and injuring an elderly lady. Marca wrote, “Just watched that horse video — that is awesome! We should practice that manoeuvre.”Nixon replies, “Agreed!”

Another officer named Derek Quilley posted a video called“police horses trample peaceful protestors in Ottawa”. Andy Leclair replied, “Wow”. Scott Peever said,“That’s … Continue reading

Call w your complaint!

⚡️The peaceful protestors in Ottawa are getting beaten down, trampled and chemically attacked by traitorous goons of the state.

Not to mention the LRAD sonic weapons they have ready to go… This will go down in history as their greatest mistake.

SOURCE » Freedom Convoy UNCENSORED on Telegram


SOS?Call DND (Department of National Defense) OTTAWA @ 613-596-0124 dispatch will take your complaint of crimes being committed by police. Intimidating peaceful protesters. And plead with them to stand with the people to save our country!

Our warrior brothers and sisters in Ottawa need us more than ever! There is strength in numbers???

Share this…repost this please! Let’s make this go viral!

SOS #ConvoyForFreedom2022 #convoytoottawa2022



convoy2022 #ENDTHETYRANNY #policebrutality

Ottawa-South Councillor Diane Deans turfed

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<<Council turfs police board leader Diane Deans amid trucker protest tensions

A political coup led by Mayor Jim Watson’s leadership core on council led to Coun. Diane Deans being turfed from chairing the Ottawa Police Services Board on Wednesday, which was Day 20 of the occupation crisis in Canada’s capital.

A whole term of acrimony that has been bubbling in council came to a head in the evening hours during a closed session of a special meeting and spilled over into the public portion. The “siege” of Ottawa, as so many people have described the “Freedom Convoy” occupation, has shaken city hall.

It was a meeting like none other during Mayor Jim Watson’s administration.

There was anger. Tears. Confusion.

A closed portion of the meeting broke out in … Continue reading

Arms planted?


I’m sure it was a lie when I heard on #CFRA that protesters in Coutts, AB had brought automatic weapons and they had just been seized by the RCMP – I asked to Ottawans about this, and they  promptly started laughing at me ! watch that live on my Twitch right here:


Stop vote on Monday

THANK YOU CONVOY – u did this!!!

———- Forwarded message ———
From: >
Date: Sat, Feb 12, 2022 at 2:59 PM
Subject: Urgent – motion to abolish mandates scheduled at the House of Commons for 3pm on Monday.

? URGENT!!! ? The opposition has put forward a motion to abolish mandates! It is in the schedule at the House of Commons for 3pm on Monday. There will be a vote. We urgently need to write our MP an email (phone on Saturday as well!) so that they vote for the cancellation of all mandates. You can find who your MP is here by postal code:https://www.ourcommons.ca/members/enSample letter what to write to MP <name>,I am a resident of <town, … Continue reading

Interview with Convoy management?

Really nice talk last night with Management and even so they’re in very tight negotiations that only begin today, I might be able to give everybody a little bit of background on the people who are behind this demonstration.

Just like in this song it’s beautiful every day people who just want their lives back who should’ve never given their livelihoods to a cause that wasn’t even a cause,

Make sure you check my podbean tonight. This is our bottom line of a few days ago.



Keep trucking, y’all!

I cannot keep up with the amount of events unfolding – the most interesting certainly being that the ASMI nation will serve notice to the city of Ottawa and anybody trespassing on the unceded territory upon which Wellington Street is situated.

Let me show you this notice!

So what that means is, not the city of Ottawa nor the province of Ontario nor the federal government of Canada will have any say over what happens on Wellington Street and in the downtown area.

Furthermore, and here comes the kicker: everybody who is being threatened of being towed can join that unconquered nontreaty nation by self declaring. In fact, the city of Ottawa, the province of Ontario and the federal government of Canada … Continue reading

Alberta-Montana blockade make RCMP retreat

Moments ago, heavily-armed RCMP officers advanced on the 500 or so truckers who are blockading the Alberta-Montana border in the town of Coutts, demanding an end to vaccine mandates and lockdowns.

It was a stand-off.

First the truckers sang O Canada.

And then they chanted “freedom!”

All while the black-clad police stared at them.

And then the truckers advanced.

What could the police do?

Try to arrest them all? Shoot them?

In the end, the police turned — and retreated.

Click here, to watch the exclusive footage, filmed by our reporters Syd and K2, the only reporters on the scene:

Help Alberta Truckers

Maybe the police will go back to the negotiating table. As you know, Rebel News is crowdfunding an experienced lawyer, Chad Williamson, to help de-escalate the situation and represent the truckers. (You can help … Continue reading