RFK Jr apologizes for Nazi-Germany analogy, publicly and to Sheryl Hines, regretting his wife suffering HW blowback


This is the second part of the interview personally however I think it’s the more interesting part especially after having watched a lot of vaccine interviews in the last two years already…

It’s rare to see interviews produced which combine so many controversial topics and outright taboos surrounding the Kennedys still to this day.

Some is really so painful to watch – environmental royalty like RFK Junior shouldn’t have to suffer in the least from their commitment to integrity and courage – I was born in West Germany and I do not have a hard time seeing the parallelities that this incredibly accomplished civil rights defender has drawn – especially looking at my country of origin and the country where I live today – in both places the unvaccinated are the scapegoat of the hour.

We have no tolerance for other opinions and positions and we tolerate generously … Continue reading

Just over 1000 millioners with music streams, new Spotify report claims

Before we get into the new Spotify report that just came out today, quick reminder to catch up on the latest New Music Business podcast episodes, like the most recent episode How Trousdale Went from 0 to 1M Listeners in 1 Year Independently. 

Alright! Let’s kick into the juicy juice that Spotify just released. Lots to dig into. 

+Read this post (and comment) on aristake.com 

Spotify just released their new Loud and Clear report today which profiled a lot of really interesting figures. 

The three most surprising things that stuck out to me from this report are:

  • How many DIY, self-released artists are earning from Spotify
  • There were more musicians in 2021 making money from recorded music than in 2001
  • Songwriters are actually making MORE money in the streaming era than in the CD era
  • Wait what?! 

    I know, I know. The talking points primarily … Continue reading

    Media competency is essential in societies to stay democratic


    Listen to N. America’s biggest environmental advocate explaining the beginnings of public radio and how Ronald Reagan managed to abandon the duty of broadcasters to be truthful while presenting the news.

    False flags in Ottawa

    Dear Maren,

    When the Freedom Convoy set course for Ottawa two months ago, our government and the mainstream media seemingly worked in tandem to derail the conversation about the movement.  

    First, they downplayed the scale of the protest. Then they smeared it before finally unleashing the full force of the state to violently shut it down. 

    The truckers’ demands were simply to drop all the COVID restrictions and vaccine mandates.  

    But no one in government was interested in hearing them out or conceding that the pandemic policies enacted over the past two years had anything to do with the growing discontent among the people our politicians allegedly represent.  

    Early in the protest, as truckers began to arrive in Ottawa, several incidents involving inappropriate flags took place.  

    The first one involved a widely published photo of a mysterious truck parading a Confederate flag near the protest site. Then videos of a masked man … Continue reading

    Russia is not the boogeyman.

    << www.facebook.com/100010658197213/posts/1579970989034826/

    Russia NEVER had black slaves nor did Russia create a market to trade black people (1600-1800).

    Russia NEVER participated in the Berlin conference to share Africa like some piece of goat meat (1884).

    Russia NEVER colonised, underdeveloped and looted Africa’s resources (1914-1960).

    Russia NEVER enabled a safety net for African leaders to hide stolen funds, use these stolen funds to develop itself and then grant the same funds back to Africa as loans.

    Russia never invaded and destabilized any African country (Libya, Somalia, Congo, Burkina Faso, Egypt, South Africa, et cetera).

    Russia NEVER killed any of African Freedom Fighter but UK and USA have killed hundreds of of our Saviours and thousands you of our African Freedom Fighters are still languishing in different prisons and dungeons all over America.

    Who killed Marcus Garvey of Black Panther USA.

    Who killed Thomas Sankara of Burkina Faso.

    Who killed Patrice … Continue reading

    Canadian council chez Reiner

    Corona-Ausschuss Sitzung 95: Hinter dem Vorhang https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1422109578

    Hallo liebe Leute, so wie immer gibt es im Corona Ausschuss super eloquente ExpertInnen zu hören, und die Sitzung der vergangenen Woche ist da keine Ausnahme. Zwei verschiedene Kanadier geben Einblicke in die Situation des nordamerikanischen Riesenstaates, auf den zumindest die Kommunistische Partei China’s sicherlich ein Auge geworfen hat ob der enormen Bodenschätze, wenn nicht wegen des auf diesem Planeten einzigartigen  Trinkwasserreservoirs alleine. Sie bestätigen, was auch immer schon seit langem mein Eindruck gewesen ist: dass die so genannte Regierungsspitze nur installiert ist, durch Oligarchische Kräfte, die auch schon seit jeher in Kanada die ökonomischen Entwicklungen kontrollieren und an 99 % der Kanadier vorbeiprofitieren.

    Mit der Corona Diktatur haben sie Hebel in die Hände bekommen, die sie nicht wieder aufgeben wollen, jedoch werden die Stimmen nicht nur lauter, sondern auch vernehmbarer im nördlichen Teil von Amerika, die eine grundsätzliche Neuordnung im Licht … Continue reading

    Federal tyrants coming for pensions and benefits

    Bill S-233 is currently waiting for third reading in the SENATE, if passed it will be made law which means if you are not vaccinated you will not receive EI, CPP, OHS, Social Services or Pension that YOU PAID INTO. This is part of the New Social Bank Credit System. Also c-273 is aimed to SENIORS who are not vaccinated, even if they can’t for any reason, they will not receive any benefits that they worked all their lives for.
    Copy and paste all the Senate emails plus add your local MP
    and send one broadcast email. The government is trying to sneak this in while folks are distracted with the Ukraine situation
    People need to immediately write their local Federal MP and all the senate members a broadcast email
    Subject line: “Oppose Bill S-233” as it violates a democratic society. Here is the list of all the Senate email addresses:
    MargaretDawn.Anderson@sen.parl.gc.ca, David.Arnot@sen.parl.gc.ca, … Continue reading

    Vaccine passport unconstitutional

    – violating Canadians’ right to refuse medical treatment & the right to makeu “reasonable medical choices” without threat of criminal prosecution

    Forcing Canadians to be vaccinated – a medical treatment under threat of prosecution (fines) violates Canada’s supreme law. Quebec and other provinces who are requiring  vaccine passports are violating Canadians’ right to refuse medical treatment & the right to make “reasonable medical choices” without threat of criminal prosecution.

    Threatening to fine a person in Canada for not having a vaccine passport at a public venue or workplace amounts to the governments depriving Canadians of their constitutional rights under “threat of criminal prosecution”.

    Section 52(1) of the Constitution Act, 1982 states that any federal or provincial law that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is of no force or effect. Statutes which conflict with the Constitution are invalid in the most radical sense; they do … Continue reading

    BananaState of Canada tortures Tamara Lich with10 days of jail for instigating “mischief”!

    !function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._Rumble=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){(r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments);if(r[b]._.length==1){l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0],l.async=1,l.src=”https://rumble.com/embedJS/u4″+(arguments[1].video?’.’+arguments[1].video:”)+”/?url=”+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+”&args=”+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, “script”, “Rumble”);

    Rumble(“play”, {“video”:”vu5caw”,”div”:”rumble_vu5caw”});

    Mischief is what the Chiefs rather miss. It gives a dictator a handle to silence other voices. The regime has no problem no scruple whatsoever under this gung ho hijacked Davos bought and paid for federal government, on a liberal ticket (!) to apply the good old Canadian club with ice cold calcule, decades of propagating virtue signalling group think trotting sheeple so far trumping all aces of the freedom loving super Canadians in the Convoy – if you are being approved in the court of public opinion like Trudeau still is amongst the majority of Canadians who do not understand that they are the lab rats in an experiment for genetic treatments whose toxic injections quite possibly might equip everybody with a microchip and a new genetic alphabet to now claim that body like a slave – then, you can get away … Continue reading

    Canadian monopolies cement in censorship cold war style – taxpayer funded

    Bank accounts remain under the random tyranny of the federal government of Canada even so, in the usual PR stunt fashion, drama teacher and crime minister of Canada, Trudeau Junior rescinded emergency powers some 10 days ago.

    For people who are asking and many who came to ottawa to demand freedom and take it back for the capital still do:

    how did we get here?

    One has to understand that Canada is not a free market and there is no competition meanwhile the federal government controls market access and chokes the markets for no reason other than the power and the control that is related to that.

    Seeing that Canadian policing HR is perfectly adequate with a tendency to overkill for community oversight and community policing as it is defined in policies, other than the racist and sexist bias and violent incompetency which is rewarded in the services, only … Continue reading