Dark OPs too secret for the president – too illegal to continue!

Dr Steven Greer live on the Shawn Ryan Show confirms pretty much our worst worries as free NorthAmericans, however nothing that well read and open minded people have not known for a longer time. Listen to a decade old veteran and expert in the fight of revealing the obvious to a generally ignorant general population:


Voilà: Contrived precedent stomped out of this unbearable comm his son –

And why does this feel like a picture book example of Klaus Schwab’s favourite phrase? never let go of a crisis without exploiting it in your own favour …

 Inquiry’s Finding That Use of Emergencies Act on Convoy Was Justified Sets a Dangerous Precedent

Read more:


1 year Freedom-Convoy anniversary: A post colonial policingcatastrophe


Welcome to the second part of the long documentation about the first year anniversary celebrations for the freedom convoy arriving to the capital of Canada Ottawa.

We are witnessing a postcolonial policing catastrophe. No indigenous peoples especially not tribal ones have been consulted in constituting the service forces policing the hill.
In fact those rules whoever makes them the question remains do not apply to any tribal peoples of … Continue reading

What unity means –

and why calling for it to shun debate makes you look like the government.

This comes to us from a very lit fella !

<<It may be the opinion of some that a few of my posts are causing division and they have the right to feel that way. But maybe, just maybe I’m just stating my opinion and everyone commenting is doing the same. Why label it as causing division, rather than just speaking ones mind aka uncensored thoughts. It’s all about pespective. It doesn’t have to be complicated. That is what freedom is all about. Open discussion is a good thing and should be encouraged not ridiculed.

It is sad to see how weak minded and against freedom many within the movement have become. So easily triggered by differing opinion and itching to start trashing someone over it rather then trying to understand the persons opinion or the … Continue reading

WWW III : China is demolishing the American way of life

Sadly and tragically many well-educated North Americans have not come to that recognition yet.

Here is what well informed people argue.






1-year-anniversary: tribal and settler protesters demand better policing on the hill in unison


Part 1: Friday evening 27th / Saturday, 28th of January 2023

The bureaucratic and ever changing rules and regulations of procedure on the parliamentary hill set forth by the crown cooperation of Canada, a for-profit corporation registered in Washington DC, are hurting onsite, no budget reporters the most – tragically also represent a gross abuse of the peoples’ enforcement and that is a loss for the democracy this organization claims to be.

If you claim to be in favour of transparency oh Canada, then why is it so hard to come close to where the centre of power is?

Why are there no dedicated parking spaces for freelance journalists to invite and make easy the independent monitoring of representation and enforcement?

You are playing us, the original peoples of the land and your agents of the state are being played just the same.

We demand to be treated … Continue reading