#Stand4Thee on AB ruling: “This Is A Dictatorship”

It really speaks to the organization’s credibility and competence that #RebSheb and #JaneScharf are calling this charade out for what it is. good journalism doesn’t talk about the intentions, good journalism illustrates the result and consequences of that ruling, so thank you very much for that – I sure didn’t hear anybody in the Twitter space last nite


frame it as accurately as you just expressed that here – not #KeithWilson not the hosting party #EvaChipiuk – instead it seems the intention is to busy and preoccupy freedom lovers in lengthy, inconclusive or counterproductive lawsuits – how about detouring the entire system by claiming indigenous status as it is our right here in Canada #UNDRIP upon further regard we are all descendants of Native Americans at this point anyway (I was adopted and self-declared).

“This isn’t over!” This is not one dysfunctionality – the whole system is set up to disfunction ! the courts are a sham! they cannot understand and they cannot question how scientific fact this even substantiated! (The editor)

#dropTheFakeID #dumpTheColonizers

Too dangerous you say ? I’ve been the victim of so much police incompetency and abuse in an astounding, reocurring trampling of the Bill of Rights, that it seems a lot less dangerous to train our own police enforcement to the standards we democratically and in grassroot, people democracy, in application of trauma science for a change, could set – isn’t that tempting to you? I invite u to my own trial arguing that exact line with the province of Quebec who wilfully and intentionally abuses young and inexperienced enforcement officers to intimidate their native sisters and brothers and the free press.

PS we already have our own independent decentralized financial transaction system and private vault: tumult.ca – A little bit like riot and a little bit like Ikea!

Ladies and gentlemen, let’s check the Recording of the live zoom call to take home some perspectives and what to expect from the Alberta Court, the situation Alberta itself and fighting back against government controlmania in violation of all applicable laws in the courts in the rest of Canada. This comes from Stand4Thee:


While this is a win for the defendents. Here is where this case law creates a dictatorship for the rest of us.

The Alberta Minister of Health has just been given authority to act as a dictator with power to override our rights to create orders under Public Health Act WITHOUT first going through provincial parliament. The ruling states that it was “ultra vires” for the cabinet to vote on public health orders. as they should vote on it. Otherwise it’s a dictatorship from a Government appointed minister.

[520] In summary, I find that the impugned Orders are ultra vires section 29 of the Public Health Act in that the final decision makers were the cabinet and committees of cabinet, rather than the CMOH or one of her statutorily authorized delegates.”

Now, let’s look at what the Alberta Public Health Act states”
“Isolation, Quarantine and Special Measures
Isolation and quarantine
29(1) A medical officer of health who knows of or has reason to suspect the existence of a communicable disease or a public health emergency within the boundaries of the health region in which the medical officer of health has jurisdiction may initiate an investigation to determine whether any action is necessary to protect the public health.
(2) Where the investigation confirms the presence of a communicable disease, the medical officer of health
(a) shall carry out the measures that the medical officer of health is required by this Act and the regulations to carry out, and
(b) may do any or all of the following:
(i) take whatever steps the medical officer of health considers necessary”

Read that again “ take whatever steps the medical officer of health considers necessary” and WITHOUT needing to get a VOTE FROM CABINET.



A comment:

You ladies need to learn about The Alberta Prosperity Project A.P.P. And what their plans are. Alberta is so far ahead in how they are fighting the over reach of Ottawa. I left Ontario after 73 years to move to Alberta. These two lawyers are awesome. The entire Freedom Convoy has the west to thank for driving across Canada fighting for your freedom.

More info:

Please also consult my Facebook page compilation about the Ingram ruling in Alberta in fact declaring the health mandates unconstitutional


But also leaving open or opening wider all barn doors to randomly declare the next health emergency and start dictating again even more than we are already dictated to here in the northern part of turtle Island

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