#TonyLyons hosting #DickRussell on his new #RFKJr #book

Who is ‘The Real RFK, Jr.?’ In this episode, author Dick Russell and publisher Tony Lyons look back at the career of Children’s Health Defense founder, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. They discuss his work in environmental advocacy, including efforts to clean up water pollution, protect children from heavy metals and support healthy farming practices. Watch the conversation on ‘Good Morning CHD.’



‘The Real Rfk, Jr.’ – Dick Russell

Another Kennedy Living Dangerously – Mark Leibovich (Published 2006)

Interview: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. – Jimmy Langman

Futaleufú Riverkeeper

Salon Now

Our Future Is On The Line (Climate Change NRDCflix)

‘Deadly Immunity’ – Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

‘Tobacco Science And The Thimerosal Scandal’ – Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

About NRDC

Riverkeeper, Inc.

Hudson River PCBs

Waterkeeper Alliance

‘Hudson River Shows Signs Of Rebound After Decades As … Continue reading

TheFreedomOrg live stream


Are you ready to make a difference with us, because we couldn’t be more ready!

Not only did we want to message everyone to remind them to make their numbers count and their voices heard, but we wanted to take a minute and tell you ALL just how grateful we are to take a stand along side each and EVERY one of you that stands for truth and freedom with us, and beside us.

It’s NOT nor has it ever been about race, religion, ethnicity, or the language you speak, even though mainstream continues to portray us as such. It is NOT about ANY of the division tactics coming through the MSM and Government, but exactly THE OPPOSITE!

A fight for Freedom and truth FOR ALL Canadians!

A unifying factor for ALL Canadians who live in the truth regardless of the brush they are painted falsely … Continue reading


Prosecute Pharmascists!

The Big Catch (Up): UN-FORTUNE-ATE
Promoting American Pharma:

Chelsea Clinton announces in a Pharma sponsored program (watch the video) the worlds largest Immunization Catch up program for children: “Global partners announce a new effort – “The Big Catch-up” – to vaccinate millions of children and restore immunization progress lost during the pandemic” . Chelsea also happens to stress the need for Public Private Partnerships (always a great slogan). It just so happens that two of the Big Pharma Four reside in the USA: Pfizer & Merck. Can this initiative be seen as nothing short of pure pharma propaganda? But it does not stop there.

“The pandemic-era rise in vaccine hesitancy—and outright rejection of vaccines—is “unfortunate,” she said, noting that she had tempered her words.” “I do think we need to have a much more robust conversation” she adds. Let us have that robust conversation. About vaccines, v-science and … Continue reading

Who is Helen Grus?

Ottawa April 28, 9:30am
Copied from a fakebook post. Credit to
Jody Ledgerwood
Please contact the Ottawa Mayor and let him know. He might not be aware as he didn’t hire the ops chief.


211 Huntmar Dr
28 April 2023 at 9:30a.m.
Please note:
Officer Helen Grus, Ottawa Police Services, who applied her training, coupled with Common Sense, born from a number of years investigating the questionable demise of children, is now being skewered by the OPS for doing what she was trained and paid to do, namely ring the bell of warning that something is wrong.
Here is the quandary: Helen put her career and reputation in the fire and now needs our assistance.
Hoping many can attend the hearing on the date above.
I can’t attend as I operate a crane for crews and there is no one else.
Some of you can’t attend either. And that’s alright. … Continue reading

Part 2 and 3: #RFK Jr sparks a joyous #Boston Park Plaza

This is the third part:



This is the second part:




This is the link to the original replay where I recorded my images.


Also check out my addendum – I’m planning to deliver an update about the almost State of the Union, the province of Quebec

Where right now the American way of life is dead and a genocide takes place and has been taking place since a few years at least

and as all of that extends out to the rest of Canada.

Bottom line of my analysis here is

  • Team Kennedy needs to put a lot more senior resources to sound production – The best thing would be to have a steady campaign sound production team that travels with the campaign;
  • There is undermination in the direct surrounding as I don’t believe one minute that this emergency announcement … Continue reading
  • Part 1: RFK Jr announces candidacy – sound goes down while speaking “truth” !

    This is the first part of a commented review on copyright and production issues with regards to the live production into the livestream of facebook.com on Wednesday, 19 April 2023

    Where RFK Jr otherwise also known as Bobby Kennedy Jr announced that he is in the race to win the Democratic nomination for candidate for the US presidency in just about a year.

    Brought to you by abroadcom.net

    I recorded my images per screen recording during the Facebook live, and in order to come to a uninterrupted stream I scrolled back in the stream thus my recording was about two minutes behind real time.

    Please verify what Facebook did or did not do yourself! here is the link to the replay of the original recording.



    I am working on finishing the second and the third part and in the meantime #teamKennedy has published … Continue reading

    CHD Founder Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Files to Run for U.S. President

    Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., founder of Children’s Health Defense, on Wednesday moved one step closer to seeking the Democratic nomination for U.S. president by filing the requisite paperwork with the Federal Election Commission.


    The Defender Staff 

    Link copied

    Miss a day, miss a lot. Subscribe to The Defender’s Top News of the DayIt’s free.

    Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., founder of Children’s Health Defense (CHD), on Wednesday moved one step closer to seeking the Democratic nomination for U.S. president by filing the requisite paperwork with the Federal Election Commission.

    As of press time, Kennedy had not made an official announcement.

    In an email sent earlier today by CHD Acting President Laura Bono to CHD members, Kennedy said:

    “My top priority is to end the corrupt merger between state and corporate power that has ruined our economy, shattered the middle class, polluted our landscapes and waters, poisoned our … Continue reading

    Anderson in Canada – strange signalling all over.


    Please watch like and subscribe and also fill me in in the comments :

    what are you all making of this?

    A in Canada – außer Spesen nichts gewesen?

    Dark OPs too secret for the president – too illegal to continue!

    Dr Steven Greer live on the Shawn Ryan Show confirms pretty much our worst worries as free NorthAmericans, however nothing that well read and open minded people have not known for a longer time. Listen to a decade old veteran and expert in the fight of revealing the obvious to a generally ignorant general population:


    Voilà: Contrived precedent stomped out of this unbearable comm his son –

    And why does this feel like a picture book example of Klaus Schwab’s favourite phrase? never let go of a crisis without exploiting it in your own favour …

     Inquiry’s Finding That Use of Emergencies Act on Convoy Was Justified Sets a Dangerous Precedent

    Read more:


    1 year Freedom-Convoy anniversary: A post colonial policingcatastrophe


    Welcome to the second part of the long documentation about the first year anniversary celebrations for the freedom convoy arriving to the capital of Canada Ottawa.

    We are witnessing a postcolonial policing catastrophe. No indigenous peoples especially not tribal ones have been consulted in constituting the service forces policing the hill.
    In fact those rules whoever makes them the question remains do not apply to any tribal peoples of … Continue reading

    What unity means –

    and why calling for it to shun debate makes you look like the government.

    This comes to us from a very lit fella !

    <<It may be the opinion of some that a few of my posts are causing division and they have the right to feel that way. But maybe, just maybe I’m just stating my opinion and everyone commenting is doing the same. Why label it as causing division, rather than just speaking ones mind aka uncensored thoughts. It’s all about pespective. It doesn’t have to be complicated. That is what freedom is all about. Open discussion is a good thing and should be encouraged not ridiculed.

    It is sad to see how weak minded and against freedom many within the movement have become. So easily triggered by differing opinion and itching to start trashing someone over it rather then trying to understand the persons opinion or the … Continue reading

    WWW III : China is demolishing the American way of life

    Sadly and tragically many well-educated North Americans have not come to that recognition yet.

    Here is what well informed people argue.






    1-year-anniversary: tribal and settler protesters demand better policing on the hill in unison


    Part 1: Friday evening 27th / Saturday, 28th of January 2023

    The bureaucratic and ever changing rules and regulations of procedure on the parliamentary hill set forth by the crown cooperation of Canada, a for-profit corporation registered in Washington DC, are hurting onsite, no budget reporters the most – tragically also represent a gross abuse of the peoples’ enforcement and that is a loss for the democracy this organization claims to be.

    If you claim to be in favour of transparency oh Canada, then why is it so hard to come close to where the centre of power is?

    Why are there no dedicated parking spaces for freelance journalists to invite and make easy the independent monitoring of representation and enforcement?

    You are playing us, the original peoples of the land and your agents of the state are being played just the same.

    We demand to be treated … Continue reading

    The independent media blues


    After you do only one day of independent journalism work you will think very differently about these very arduous dutiful self-starters brilliant people who are too smart for their own good and therefore want to share their knowledge as a warning and a look out for their fellow humans – give to them generously whenever you can – The best is to give them cash but I’m sure everybody will happily accept interact email transfers as well don’t ask what they do with the money it’s already spent on their sleepless hours when they read at night when others sleep to find out what really happened when we all turned off the screen they are still looking at the screen!

    do not criticize their work if you have never worked as a freelance journalist instead thank them publicly, share their publications on your social media and recommend those … Continue reading

    Not Wavering but raising consciousness: Fringe Fridays in Ottawa

    This is a post dedicated to all the fine folks making plans and considering to attend the 8th fire. I just want you all to know that there is some extraordinary humans, truckers, patriots with big hearts dedicating whatever they can to holding out until the Convoy comes back and brings down these slave driver murderous dictators in the administrations of this beautiful land. They all vowed to never leave until this administration resigns. come and join them every week for Fringe Fridays and Unacceptable Views Saturdays on the parliamentary hill in the capital of Canada, Ottawa.

    All pictures by Tãlis Brauns Continue reading

    #WhitneyWebb on the space war

    The Neocon Agenda to Militarize Space with Robbie Martin by Unlimited Hangout with Whitney Webb on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/unlimited-hangout/ep-15-robbie-martin


    I never understood why we are not already all dead if there is the evil evil aliens wanting to start a war with us. because looking at the way they travel I don’t think we’d stand any chance ??

    Seriously people let’s look at post second world war history: it turned out the Russians didn’t want to kill us, neither the PLO, not the Iraqis, Iranians, Afghani, Syrians didn’t want to kill us ! the Muslims didn’t want to kill us ! Then before that and after that we went to war on drugs which ended with the legalization of cannabis in most US states and federally in Canada, many experts of the industry call it an ursupation by you guessed it our ka-ching ka-ching coaching dictatorship fascist government … Continue reading

    #HealthyCanadians’ aka #HealthCanada Cannabis Gong Show


    Cannabis equals crazy? #HealthyCanadians excels again at misleading signalling, this time we are facing the shockingly ignorant labelling on state registered cannabis products. This calculated misrepresentation of science amounts to slander and defamation of patients and an entire, very profitable industry.

    some observations and explanations by diplom-biologist Maren Molthan, editor-in-chief at abroadcom.net

    If you appreciate this kind of content please like share subscribe to my channels and donate b it in cash
    As long as you are in Canada please use interact transfers from checkings to checkings account WITH NO FEES by emailing me $$ to missrepresentit@gmail.com
    Missrep@protonmail.com or via my website at abroadcom.net
    A principal check on power
    A very happy new year and thank you so so very much – blessings to all of you who have been generously supporting my independent reporting operation – I’m going to try my very best … Continue reading

    Alleged #Epstein #Victim Claimed To Have Copies Of ‘#Blackmail’ #Sex #Tapes He Made Of #Associates

    An alleged victim of the deceased elite pedophile Jeffrey Epstein has claimed that she has digital copies of ‘blackmail’ sex tapes Epstein made of his associates.

    New Documents Reveal Alleged Epstein Victim Claimed To Have Copies Of ‘Blackmail’ Sex Tapes He Made Of Associates

    Not one of Epstein’s ‘clients’ has been named since his mysterious death or during the sex trafficking trial of Ghislaine Maxwell, yet unsealed documents from Virginia Giuffre’s lawsuit against Maxwell have revealed that another accuser, Sarah Ransome (pictured above earlier this year at Maxwell’s sentencing), says she stashed away in secret locations copies of sordid tapes recorded by Epstein.

    An email from Ransome reads “When my friend had sexual intercourse with [redacted] and [redacted], sex tapes were in fact filmed on each occasion by Jeffrey,” 

    The email, apparently addressed to New York Post reporter Maureen Callahan, continues “Thank God she managed to get ahold of … Continue reading

    Merry Yule – Canadian Court System super-ceded by Indigenous Justice?

    Within two years of this court case indigenous sovereignty advocate Glenn Bogue has the Superior Court of Justice facing a new avenue of getting right in Canada. Especially one indigenous Supreme Court Justice seems to approach more easily. Please listen to the podcast which is a recording of a zoom session just a week ago.


    I have my problems with a few assumptions, for example the reduction to claiming one is either a free woman or a free man, but it’s only now that I myself understand how important the deception of the general public about the rainbow folk really is to keep in place the myth of duality. To me this was always one thing:

    we see ourselves in the public process of dismantling the deception of viro LIE agy which was never a discipline with scientific substantiation or method, on the other end we’re facing that … Continue reading

    Canada under martial law – Was it legit? UNEDITED recs of the gov hearings on my D live channel 4 1WEEK ONLY

    The liberal Trudeau government invoked the emergency measures act de facto declaring martial law nationwide in February. This commission is tasked to find out and probe whether reason and concern enough existed at the time – after Nearly 4 weeks of hearings it doesn’t seem so and you can watch and hear multiple witnesses in the government commit perjury on camera.

    I guarantee the recordings as I edited Absolutely nothing – I remember only from one replay where I skipped about 2 to 3 minutes of the live stream that I was tuned into because I had some commentary – as the audio has been picked up via my live streaming device with the built in microphone, my original commentary is together on one track – get a kick out of that, dear listeners, I’m even swearing here and there and apologies for that.

    The liberal Trudeau government invoked the emergency measures act de facto declaring martial law nationwide in February. This commission is tasked to find out and probe whether reason and concern enough existed at the time – after Nearly 4 weeks of hearings it doesn’t seem so and you can watch and hear multiple witnesses in the government commit perjury on camera.

    I guarantee the recordings as I edited Absolutely nothing –


    I remember only from one replay where I skipped about 2 to 3 minutes of the live stream that I was tuned into because I had some commentary – as the audio has been picked up via my live streaming device with the built in microphone, my original commentary is together on one track – are you gonna get a kick out of that I’m even swearing here and there and apologies for that.

    Canada under martial law – Was it legit? UNEDITED recs of the gov hearings on my D live channel 4 1WEEK ONLY


    The liberal Trudeau government invoked the emergency measures act de facto declaring martial law nationwide in February. This commission is tasked to find out and probe whether reason and concern enough existed at the time – after Nearly 4 weeks of hearings it doesn’t seem so and you can watch and hear multiple witnesses in the government commit perjury on camera.

    I guarantee the recordings as I edited Absolutely nothing – I remember only from one replay where I skipped about 2 to 3 minutes of the live stream that I was tuned into because I had some commentary – as the audio has been picked up via my live streaming device with the built in microphone, my original commentary is together on one track – are you gonna get a kick out of that I’m even swearing here and there and apologies for that.

    POEI @ #LibraryandArchives – gotta c it 2 B LIE ve it

    Public order emergency invocation inquiry – this is a summary of my in person experience after 21 days of hearings at the Canadian national library and archives on Wellington Street. No camera no cell phone allowed and even if they allow because they accredited you – still can not make any recordings so unfortunately this features just a lot of talking and not a lot of images at all other than my hand written notes (thank you very much too Hugh for providing me with pen and paper) – because I wasn’t allowed any recordings – it’s however worth listening to – research and report by abroadcom.net


    R’day in the Canadien capital: how to fail public safety

    Dead end no exit crowd amassing at eastern origin of Sparks Street from 5’40 min onwards. Diplomat limousines blocked in eastern origin of Wellington Street afterwards, guess why?! Ottawa City dump trucks blocking Wellington! Wow just wow. Seems like all safety detail on R’day shoulda taken a class in February, when the rest of #freeCanada all graduated and exxxcelled at public safety in the capital! and then finally: #whereIsTheBigT #crimeminister #howtoendangerpublicsafetyinthecapital

    Abroadcom’s perspectives for the commission probing the PM’s invocation of the emergency measures act (de facto declaring martial law)

    Today Halloween 31 October is the last day to submit written statements to the inquiry commission. Yesterday I understood however that the consultations with witnesses during and leading up to the events in Ottawa throughout January and February will continue for many more weeks – here is my point of view:

    Good day,

    I have only one question for the commission, and that is: when are you going to ask all the members of the police forces, when they are going to arrest our criminal government?

    I’ve been an independent journalist for pretty much all of my 25 years spanning career, and I am operating  an independent website @ abroadcom.net since 2009 –

    The only thing that is new in the recent crimes by Canadian government is that the violence and obliteration of rights now extends out to the white folks.

    I’ve been watching this brutal and inhumane circus that you call a … Continue reading

    No toxic injections 4 our kids!

    This past week, 15 of Big Pharma’s indentured servants — so-called “independent” advisors to the CDC — gave Pfizer and Moderna license to maim and kill millions more innocent children.

    They did it by voting to add a dangerous, ineffective, experimental medical product to the most lucrative Pharma gravy train of all: the childhood immunization schedule.

    This is an act of child abuse on a massive scale. Our only hope of stopping it is to mount an even more massive response. 

    We have just 9 more days to reach our goal of $2 million to take advantage of a generous matching gift offer.

    Will you donate today to stop this reckless attack on our children’s health?

    This latest action is final proof of the cynicism, corruption and capture of a once exemplary public health agency. 

    Continue reading