Dokumentiert: um die Wahl betrogen – Kanada und der Demokratie-Streit

Dokumentiert: viele Kanadier und Kanadierinnen verpassten es 2011, ihr Wahllokal rechtzeitig zu erreichen, da betrügerische Telefonanrufe, meist orchestriert durch die konservative Partei unter Stephen Harper, sie am Wahltag in die Irre schickten. Hier ist der Artikel:

Stand der Ermittlungen:

Brian and Blackie and the loss of music part 1.

Duke Ellington, Paul Gonzales and other sleeping beauties. This is the concert to which Brian is referring :

On a side note:
After months of effort by L’Escalier Montreal to retrieve a permit by the city of MOntreal to restart their EVERYDAY live presentations the venue is still unable to do so, despite the whole level having been completely overhauled –

The Brian Downey Band feat. Montreal’s own Pedro Ullmann lost 4 (!!!!) shows that way with no replacement whatsoever – please give the minister an earfull, phone as follows:

Monsieur François Robillard
Téléphone : 514 868-5178

please share, thank you. You can also sign and share the following petition.

In light of the latest efforts of our dictator government to bureaucratize and ultimately kill live music, a highly profitable industry with a lot … Continue reading

Canada Day prescription by Elizabeth May

first published on Thursday, July 18th, 2013 in Island Tides
On my Canada Day travels, I was asked what I would change about democracy in Canada. There is so much wrong in the current state of politics that people might think there is no available remedy. The good news is that relatively few steps, none requiring major effort, but all requiring an engaged citizenry, can restore the body politic to health.

Here is my prescription for what ails Canada’s democracy. Let me know what you think!

First, get rid of ‘first-past-the-post’ and elect MPs, as is done in most modern democracies, by some form of proportional representation. Make sure every vote counts so voters feel the impact of their vote. Thanks to first-past-the-post, in 2011, a minority of voters elected a majority government. Such ‘false majorities,’ as University of Toronto Professor Emeritus Peter Russell has dubbed them, … Continue reading

Playlist BarKanada JUN 2013

Who Put The Blame On Who (excerpt) PEACEWORK choices 2007
Groove Me Jon Cleary & The Monster Gentlemen 2006/ Alligator Lips and Dirty Rice 1994
Jon Cleary mit “Groove Me” live at The Mystic in Petaluma, CA on July 28th, 2006. Und damit herzlich willkommen zur barKanada im JUNI – ich mache Jon Cleary zu meinem Konzert tip, da der in New Orleans lebende Blues Pianist, am 13. Julei nach Ottawa kommt, zum Bluesfest, ein jährliches, sehr populäres Musikfestival – Jon Cleary live in Ottawa am 13 Julei, und “Groove Me”, eben gehört, ist ein Stück von seinem 1994 veröffentlichtem Album “Alligator Lips and Dirty Rice”, und auch zu finden auf der Live CD “Mo’Hippa”, was der aus England stammende Rhythmus-Fanatiker 2008 herausbrachte – hier mit seiner legendären Band The Absolute Monster Gentlemen, am Bass ist Cornell C. Williams, Gitarre spielt Derwin “BigD” Perkins und … Continue reading

BarKanada wieder auf Sendung am kommenden Samstag

John Roby habe ich gerade erst endeckt, kam 2011 heraus. Spiele ich in der nächsten Sendung am Samstag, dem 11. Mai, live stream hören auf, 11am EST/17h MEZ.

Hier ist ein Walrus-Artikel
, der die Song Lyrics zum Nachlesen anbietet, und auch etwas Hintergrund, wie der kanadische Premierminister Stephen Harper das Parlament außer Kraft setzte.

Marsch für Frieden, Umweltschutz und indigene Vertragsrechte

Kanada’s Erste Nationen, wie sich die UreinwohnerInnen selbst nennnen, sind zu Monatelangen Märschen aufgebrochen, um gegen den Total-Ausverkauf von Mutter Natur zugunsten ausländischer Investoren in Kanada und den USA und für Weltfrieden zu protestieren. Hier ist eine Übersicht von Idle No More’s facebook Seite:

Walking for Earth Peace on Turtle Island
Calendar of events, ongoing and scheduled, for Earth keepers and Peacemakers
Examples of the power of walking

Photo: The Nishiyuu walkers in Ottawa, completing their journey
The Journey of Nishiyuu: 1600 walk from Whapmagoostui, Quebec, to Ottawa in winter

INM Unity ride:
April 7th, 2013 Merrit BC. Start at 10am. Saddle up for a Ceremonial Ride

A Sacred Journey for Future Generations: Walk from Stanley Mission, Saskatchewan, to Ottawa. A trek of 3450 km:March 16th – June 21st, In … Continue reading

Nishiyuu arrives to Ottawa

Journey of Nishiyuu

the peoples of Turtle Island r standing up 4 Canada, 4 freedom and democracy. they r right now where every1 of us should be, refusing and halting this ignorant machine grind of religious indoctrination and fossil fuel oppression, violence, slavery, decadence and the most wasteful pollution on the planet. Thank u and Megwetch!

APTN article
facebook group

Catherine Orr (from the fb group):
“I knew in my heart that we would complete this journey. I have made new friends, met really nice people and tried some awesome food XD I have witnessed great acts of humanity, people along the way were actually standing outside their houses waiting for us to pass ot hand out food and water. Even just that act of kindness from total strangers made me realize that when you do good things, good things come back … Continue reading

Playlist barKanada FEB 2013

Who Put The Blame On Who (excerpt) PEACEWORK choices 2007
Tha Message Dallas Arcand aka KrazyKree   N REZalationzzz 2007

Als nächstes spiele ich wieder Allen Stone, aus gutem Grund, erstens singt er super, dieser Sohn eines protestantischen Pastors, kein Witz, alles genau wie im Song von Dusty Springfield, und zweitens gibt es seinen vierteiligen sampler “The Sleep” über Noisetrade im kostenlosen oder Trinkgeld-Download, deshalb meine Wahl hier Allen Stone mit dem Titel “Six Years”, ein Live-Take aus dem Studio.

Six Years live in the studio Allen Stone The Sleep JAN 2013
Cigarettes & Truckstops Lindi Ortega Cigarettes & Truckstops 2012
RunAway Heart Hilotrons At Least There’s Commotion 2013
Chiquitita (by Abba) Elisapie Isaac live Festival D’Été 2010

Na wär’ hätte das gedacht, Chiquitita, ein Abba-Titel, den wir … Continue reading

Law student’s doc on Idle No More

Warum die Empörung? Lesen Sie hier, wie Regierungschef Stephen Harper über Jahre die ohnehin rückständige kanadische Demokratie kaltgestellt hat (Maude Barlow, Council Of Canadians, in

Außerdem ein ausführlicher Artikel, wie Kanada’s Regierung plant, seine Ureinwohner zu “terminieren” – genauso skandalös, wie es klingt (Obert Madondo in Canadian Progressive World).

Playlist JAN 2013

Who Put The Blame On Who (excerpt) PEACEWORK choices 2007
Idle No More 1Million Strong 2012 (bislang habe ich nur den Youtube Kanal gefunden: ExtendedClipENT)

Idle No More, One Million Strong, ein Protest Song für die Widerstandsbewegung, die in Kanada augenblicklich zehntausende der kanadischen UreinwohnerInnen in Demonstrationen und Rundtänzen vereinigt, ich bin sehr glücklich Euch zu einer neuen Ausgabe der BarKanada begrüßen zu können, es scheint, als wenn Kanada nun endlich seine eigene Revolution hat, genau zwei Jahre nach dem der arabische Frühling in Tunesien begann – aber was ist Idle No More?


Die Demonstrationen sind in Opposition zu mehreren neuen Gesetzen und Gesetzesentwürfen, mittels derer die konservative Regierung unter Stephen Harper den Schutz der Natur zugunsten kommerzieller Ausbeutung der Bodenschätze zum großen Teil beseitigt – eine Bedrohung des Lebenstils der kanadischen UreinwohnerInnen, die schon jetzt alle Nachteile dieses Reichtums wie horrende Wasser-, Luft- und Bodenverschmutzung … Continue reading

Chief Theresa Spence: no meeting without the Governor General

In einer Pressemitteilung der Attawapiskat First Nation stellt Chief Theresa Spence die Millionen-Frage: Welches Recht hat Kanada, innerhalb der königlichen Verträge von 1763 zu existieren, wenn der Bundesstaat und/oder seine Provinzen diese Verträge kontinuierlich verletzen und ignorieren? Um die konservative Regierung zur Verantwortung zu ziehen für aktuelle Vertragsbrüche wie in dem kürzlich im Parlament bestätigten Gesetz C-45, das Schutzmechanismen für Kanada’s unzählige Seen und Flüsse aushebelt, macht die Attawapiskat-Chefin es zur Bedingung, dass auch ein Vertreter der britischen Krone anwesend ist, traditionell der Governor General of Canada, augenblicklich David Johnston. Aus dessem Büro heißt es jedoch, Johnston würde an dem für Freitag anberaumten Treffen nicht teilnehmen.
“Wir haben die englische Königin Queen Elizabeth in einem Brief gebeten, ihren Vertreter zu schicken”, heißt es weiter in der Presseerklärung.

Hier ist ein Video in dem Johnston zu Wort kommt – interessant, dass er sich für nicht zuständig erklärt, interessant … Continue reading

Kanadische Finanzen, zweiter Teil/Hintergrundinfo

Hier ist ein exzellenter Artikel zum Thema wer finanziert hier wen. Ein kleiner Ausschnitt:

“From the days of beaver trapping to today’s aspirations of becoming an energy superpower, Canada’s economy has always been based on natural resources. With 90% of its settler population amassed along the southern border, exploitation of the land’s wealth almost always happens at the expense of the Indigenous population.

Canada’s economy could not have been build without massive subsidies: of land, resource wealth, and the incalculable cost of generations of suffering.

Overall numbers are difficult to pin down, but consider the following: Canadian governments received $9 billion in taxes and royalties in 2011 from mining companies, which is a tiny portion of overall mining profits; $3.8 billion came from exports of hydroelectricity alone in 2008, and 60 per cent of Canada’s electricity comes from hydroelectric dams; one estimate has tar sands extraction bringing … Continue reading

Stephen Harper to meet Chief Theresa Spence on Friday amidst accusations of a smear campaign

Attawapiskat Buchhalter Clayton Kennedy fordert die Bundesregierung unter Stephen Harper auf, etwas gründlicher zu recherchieren.

“If you’re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.” ― Malcolm X

Hier ist eine Sammlung von Artikeln und Reports mit Informationen zu den Mismanagement Vorwürfen in Attawapiskat, sie stammt von Derek @ Occupy Canada.

This newly released audit leak to CBC News on Attawapiskat 4 days before a meeting with Stephen Harper and First Nation leaders is a smear campaign, the consultant firm Deloitte Inc who is behind the audit was hired by the Harper government and awarded a $19.8 million dollar contract where consultants were paid $90,000 a day for advice.

“The accounting firm Deloitte was engaged to perform the audit. CBC News obtained a copy of the audit before it was made public.”
Continue reading

Medical Marihuana bill open 2 consultations till FEB 28th 2013

Medical Marihuana Bill looking for input. Activists demand a plebiscite to approve of the new law. Deadline for consultation input is February 28th 2013. Check out the draft and send your input here:

Indigenous Chiefs take protest to the doors of parliament to oppose budget bill

Vertreter kanadischer Ureinwohner aus Sasketchewan, Manitoba und Ontario haben heute versucht, das Parliamentsgebäude zu stürmen und Einlaß zur Debatte zum neuen Budget zu erhalten, um Stephen Harper und den Minister für Natürliche Resourcen Joe Oliver zu mahnen, sich an Ihre Verpflichtung mit First Nations zu konsultieren, bevor eigenmächtig neue Gesetze zu beschließen, die die Lebensgrundlage der Ureinwohner zerstören könnte.

Hier ist ein Video, das die Ereignisse festhält:

Bitte lesen Sie hier mehr:

Konservative verzögern Wahlbetrugermittlungen

BarKanada ist wieder auf Sendung am kommenden Samstag, 8.Dezember auf Radio Tonkuhle, 17h MEZ oder 11h am EST.

In 56 Wahlkreisen wird nun gegen die betrügerischen Telefonanrufe der konservativen Partei Stephen Harper’s ermittelt. Leider kommt das Verfahren nur im Schneckentempo voran:

Und hier ist ein Artikel, der beschreibt, wie die Opposition mundtot gemacht und gehalten wird.

Woody Guthrie @ 100 – broadcast NOV 23rd 2012

“This Land Is Our Land” was written as an “alternative” to Irving Berlin’s “God Bless America” – who would have thought. Don’t miss out on some everlasting piece of American music history.

Excellent guitar care in Gatineau!

I would like 2 send out a “La Ola” of recognition 2 Stéphane Coulombe, who @ Adagio in Gatineau, repaired my Telecaster Slimline in the shortest of time and in a very knowledgeable way, when the day b4, staff of Steve’s Music Store Ottawa had assessed that same git and found “nothing wrong with it”.

Not only did Stéphane point out 2 me, that my strings were down 2 the core metal string and had the wound part gone where frets were touching and there4 buzzing on the frets, also he noticed after changing strings, that there was not enough/2 much pressure related 2 the spacers 4 G, B and high E strings – Stéphane took the washers out, ground down the 2 indented bases of those spacers and put everything back 2gether 2 the extend that the guitar plays better than ever and … Continue reading

Confirmed again: “Canada may use information obtained through torture” (via Canadian Progressive World)

I would like to republish an article courtesy of Obert Madondo – check out his blog – he’s got some really interesting info up and it’s a great place if you are interested in the way Canada is evolving, or lately, sadly, seems to be dominated by a very backwards oriented federal government.

Confirmed again: “Canada may use information obtained through torture” (via Canadian Progressive World)

Last February, we learned that Public Safety Minister Vic Toews had quietly authorized the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) to use information gleaned from terror suspects through torture. Today, Toews’’ spokesperson, Mike Mueller, confirmed that the Canadian government is open to using information gleaned under dubious circumstances abroad.

Mueller was responding to new revelations that CSIS has a new secret high-level committee, the Information Sharing Evaluation Committee, which … Continue reading

Pipe Dream

The land of Haida Gwaii is threatened by the building of a giant pipeline and the arrival of oil tankers. Two brothers take matters into their own hands to find a solution, and end up getting some supernatural help from Raven.

“Yo kids, gotta do more than recycle. Gotta go psycho ‘Bout where the pipe goes.”

Message to Stephen Harper:
Right Honourable Prime Minister Stephen Harper,
Please remember: you work for the people of Canada. Not for the International Oil Companies.
The people of Haida Gwaii don’t want the Enbridge Pipeline.
The seas here support a bounty of natural life. We don’t want oil tankers in these precious waters.
Oil tankers bring oil spills and oil spills would damage this ecosystem, and the fish, shellfish, and seaweed upon which the people depend.
We don’t want to move to Alberta and work in the … Continue reading

Casserole Movement in Montréal

Every night @ around 8 pm, Montréalers start banging pots and pans to express their protest against la loi 78 – a Québec law recently passed in reaction to students protesting planned tuition increases. The new law makes it mandatory to inform police about demonstrations with more than 50 participants as well as the exact routing of every march.

Chaque jour, autour de 20 h, les Montréalais commençent à battre sur des pots et choudrons pour exprimer leur proteste contre la loi québecoise 78, reçemmement approuvée qui éxige d’informer la police s’il y a plus de 50 participants à la manifestation et aussi son trajet éxacte.

Jeden Abend nach 20 h trommeln Montréaler auf Pfannen und Töpfen, um gegen das neue Québec Gesetz 78 zu protestieren, das vorschreibt, Demonstrationen anzumelden, sollten mehr als 50 Personen daran teilnehmen, sowie auch die genaue Route des Marsches der Polizei anzugeben.

Election fraud – Robocalls update/background

Wähler in sieben Wahlkreisen seien mit Telefonmarketing zum falschen Wahllokal gelockt worden, so eine Umfrage, die vom Council of Canadians in Auftrag gegeben wurde. In jedem davon gewann der Kandidat der Konservativen Partei. Die im Kontinent überall vertretene Bürgerrechtsgruppe bezweifelt die Legimität der Ergebnisse in jenen Wahlkreisen.

Ein Update zusammengestellt von der Canadian Broadcasting Corporation CBC:

“Those who had already answered questions about for whom they would vote were almost twice as likely to receive a call that their polling station had changed, the poll found, with 34 per cent who identified their voting intention reporting polling station calls versus 18 per cent who wouldn’t say for whom they planned to vote.

Voters surveyed by Ekos in the seven target ridings were more likely to get misleading calls claiming their polling stations had changed. The poll found 3.8 per cent of those surveyed in the subject ridings got … Continue reading

Der Drache ist wach – Kanadischer Protest, die Zweite.

oder Wie Earth Day in Montreal einen Prager Frühling bestellt und zehntausende in den Straßen sieht … der Widerstand in Québec hat ein neues Gesicht: ein friedliches, sehr engagiertes, wohl organisiertes und sehr gut aussehendes Gesicht. Ich sehe die Propaganda-pusher im Lager der Konservativen um die Röhre clustern und Ränkeschmiede brainstormen, das Doppel-P in den Augen. Nach den brutalen Festnahmen am Freitag und Sachbeschädigung am Eingang des Gebäudes in dem der geaustete Premier eine Investorenkonferenz abhielt, zeigen die friedlichen Massen am Sonntag in Montreal gut informierten und entschlossenen Widerstand gegen die undemokratische und verschwenderische Ausbeutung der enormen Bodenschätze des Riesenkontinents. Kanada’s multikulturelle und offiziell zweisprachige Metropole ist Schauplatz und gleichzeitig Akteurin, Opposition auf den Straßen unter dem königlichen Berg, gegen neo-konservativen Raubbau an Staat und Wirtschaft zu einem Zeitpunkt, während dessen in den zwei Parlamentskammern die Opposition in jeder Abstimmung schlicht und ergreifend zahlenmäßig unterliegt, und die Nation … Continue reading

Teargas while students protest in Montreal

Published on Apr 21, 2012 by RussiaToday

“In Canada, riot police used tear gas and stun grenades to disperse hundreds of students protesting outside a government building in central Montreal. At least two demonstrators and two officers were injured in the violence and seventeen people were arrested. Students are angry at a planned 75 percent rise in tuition fees. They’ve been demonstrating almost daily since declaring a boycott on classes over two months ago, with the government refusing to back down. Citizen journalist Bernard Desgagne says that the situation is getting more violent and that the police reaction towards protesters is too brutal”, (up to $ 400 fines for simply walking on the side walks).

This happened while students were protesting in Montreal. 151 are reported arrested in Gatineau on Thursday, while demonstrating against a 75 percent increase over five years in tuition fees.

This is a … Continue reading

Playlist barKanada APR 2012

Shake It Upside Down Steve Marriner Going Up 2007
Need It Half Moon Run Dark Eyes 2012
Comin’ Through Blue King Brown Blue King Brown 2011
Never Falling Again Clear 2011
Times A Waistin’ Erykah Badu remix of DJ PhatCat Mixtape Vol. 5 The Roots & Erykah Badu 2009
Bag Lady Erykah Badu remix of DJ PhatCat Mixtape Vol. 5 The Roots & Erykah Badu 2009
Lost In The Light Bahamas Barchords 2012

Von der Bahamas Internetseite:
“Bahamas is the brain child of Afie Jurvanen, not exactly a band and not exactly a solo project. With a name like Afie Jurvanen you can quickly guess why a band name or moniker was needed. Nothing wrong with Afie’s name, but it sure doesn’t look as good in the music press as Bahamas.

Bahamas latest … Continue reading

What pipe dream vexes North America

Very revealing article in The Tyee here.

“(…) (For the record, the oil industry is not a jobs machine. It is the world’s most capital-intensive industry and earns more than 10 per cent of the world’s GDP. But it only employs less than one tenth of one per cent of the world’s workers. In Canada it accounts for but 1.8 per cent of the workforce.)

No matter. TransCanada’s immodest economic models, for example, piped out job estimates 13 times greater (199,000) than those done by U.S. State Department (5,000 to 8,000) over a three- year period.

A 2011 Cornell University Global Labor Institute report crunched the numbers too and revealed that the project’s construction would inject no more than $4-billion into the U.S. economy and only create between 2,500 and 4,650 jobs. (…)”

Thoughts on today and tomorrow

Macdonald J E Stainsby 10:57pm Jan 18
Not a statement, but a thought on the denial of the Keystone XL permit. This was not Obama “getting it right”– this was Obama afraid of people power. As a result of the long term struggles of many groups– in particular the first nations being killed off in actual fact by tar sands developments and all of the infrastructure from gas lines that feed to pipelines that supply and refineries that develop in Ontario, the US and elsewhere– but also the real fear of an administration that has seen people in city after city and across the US *in the streets*, taking back their power in numbers not seen in decades, the real heroes are all of you who have participated in building resistance to KXL, climate change, tar sands and corporate plunder and even capitalism itself. You– not Obama– are to … Continue reading

How to recognize insurgents who threaten democracy in Canada

As US President Barack Obama rejects the Keystone Excel Pipeline as proposed by Trans Canada Corp. today, the focus is on Canada’s Northern Gateway Proposal. Thankfully, die urwüchsige Nation scheint aufgerüttelt und für eine echte und öffentliche Debatte:

Harper warns pipeline hearings could be “hijacked” on CBC News
An Open Letter from Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver in The Globe And Mail
Harper says pipeline debate should be left to Canadians in CBC News
Opposition to oil tankers on the rise in Forest Ethics
Save the Fraser Declaration
Pipeline project a gateway to disaster

Really Canada: Don’t attack other countries.

IRAN – a beautiful, ancient culture with many uprisings of educated young citizens claiming their rights – where were u then with your soldiers? These sprouts of Eden have been Spring Snowflakes breaking through an ideological dark in what is now the melting slosh of the former ice ages of the Middle East and the US. They need and deserve our support.

Some backround now? Here is a segment about the CIA’s 1953 coup of a democratically elected government in IRAN (Uploaded on Oct 2, 2007).

This is what I heard on CFRA 2day. It was host Michael Harris more or less, original wording may vary, assessing Canada’s PM’s earlier claim, IRAN “wants” to use nuclear bombs.

Quote start
That Irak supposingly had “weapons of mass destruction” is the BIGGEST LIE of the past decade.
Stephen Harper needs to be challenged, because he … Continue reading

The return of Helena Guergis – das Aufräumen nach der Dreckschlacht der Cowboy-Party part II

The former Minister for the Status of Women launches a 1.3 million dollar law suit against the Canadian Prime Minister Steven Harper, Labour Minister Lisa Raitt and more under allegations of conspiracy and defamation.

Way to go Helena Guergis.

31 pages on how Prime Minister Steven Harper, some assistants and entourage bullied the promising Minister for the Status of Women outta there. I’m getting the popcorn ready. Looks like a can of bad assets rebuttal. Just hoping the Crown’s gonna get a handle on the documentation before the Cons delete it all. They do seem to be able to press buttons …

I would wish some judicial consequences, for a head of government, but also for everybody else who was not hesitant to throw a lot of dirt on a public servant. Her reputation was trashed on accusations (delivered 2 Stevie from a bankrupt private investigator owing two million … Continue reading

How 2 run this world – ein philosophischer Spaziergang.

I was reading this article about the convoluted use of the term libertarianism by Neo-Cons all over North-America and commented on facebook, so these statements emerged. I am publishing here in hope of outlining some historic facts, trying 2 tie some things 2gether and sort through some rather arbitrary ugliness. And trust me, I’m just trying 2 get through this without getting hurt. Calling it like I see it, the new name of the game.

A friend of mine: “Start with the headline…Bastardized libertarianism. That is incorrect. Libertarianism has not been bastardized. It was always wrong, right from the start. It still exists in its pure form and it is still wrong. It is and always had been a thinly guised pseudo philosophy to justify selfishness. The problem from the start has been its name, which is a bastardization of the terms liberty and liberalism, yet it does not … Continue reading

BarKanada wieder auf Sendung am kommenden Samstag!

Update DEC 6 2011: Mit Richard Carr habe ich auf’m St-Laurent in Montréal Cappuccinos geschlürft – am Samstag werde ich einen Titel von seiner neuen Scheibe spielen! Hier ist ein Artikel mit Hinweis auf eine Blues-Radio-Sendung, der den Montréaler Blues-Musiker auch erwähnt. Bis denne!

2nite on “The National“, income gap in Canada interestingly illustrated, nice choice of voices, but super funny from 9.06 on – they call’em Mr. and Mrs Marcozy – ahahahaha! and that’s not all: very informative overview on reserve life-style all over C (why that would fair behind a Euro-story, even if somewhat epic, 4 a Canadian broadcaster, kinda concerns me a bit) with the corniest Mansbridge in a long time in the end – nothing like the CBC, aeh?

Keppler 22b, here I come. I did it once, I can do it again. Love this article: “Personally, I am faintly tired … Continue reading

Anti crime bill (C10) protest in Ottawa

Update DEC 5h 2011: The “ominous” bill C10 just passed the first vote in Canada’s House of Commons.

I heard the demonstrators were 2 meet at Confederation Park @ NOON and then march to Parliament 2 protest the Omnibus Crime Bill C-10. Info here. I caught up on the hill and started taping when some of the protesters stopped on the Western leading 2 lanes of Wellington @ Kent Street. My estimate: there must have been around a 1000 people protesting Saturday, 26th of November 2011. Traffic was passing @ all times, even with some sitting down on that Northern half of the street. Although traffic had 2 slow down 2 pass the protesters, there was a rather supportive reaction from most of the drivers, some of which were sounding their horns and waving their hands. Please press play 2 see 4 yourself.

A number … Continue reading

One Voice Counts – HauptstädterInnen wollen singenden Busfahrer zurück

Lokale HeldInnen an Board eines Ottawa City Bus, sie singen eine nur leicht abgeänderte Version von Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” um ihre Unterstützung für den singenden OC Transpo Busfahrer premieren zu lassen. Dem Busfahrer war befohlen worden, während des Fahrens nicht mehr zu singen.

“So you think you can raise rates and cut back on rides. . . ” – I love it!

Playlist barKanada NOV 2011

Emporte Moi Christine Ann Atallah and the Bassalindos Escapades 2006
You’re The One Pat Loiselle 2008
Dream Fabien Bonnefoi 2009
Si Pero No Alex Cuba Are You 2011
Out Of Air Ember Swift 11:11 2011
I found A New Baby (excerpt) Alex Pangman 33 2011
Yours, All Yours Alex Pangman Live In Montreal 2005
Déjà Vu The Jivewires Laughing In The Poorhouse 2003
Let The Good Times Roll (Louis Jordan) The Jivewires Jives Do Jordan 2011
I Don’t Know Enough About You ( ) Matt Dusk Good News 2010
Dance Me Outside Craig Cardiff Floods & Fires 2011
Cocaine Kisses Miss Polygamy EP 2011
Remember You Best The Sonic Defense Project 2011

New York Connects @ The #General Assembly

General Assembly? A tedious, all engulfing, wonderfully connected experience, where r all voices present r heard, until consent is reached, bettering ideas and shaping the planned application while coming up with the solution that all can live with. Una Spenser describes the form of democracy that makes people happy in Daily Kos. What a great article, what great accuracy with the words – thank u, and right on!

Mail from AVAAZ.ORG: The World vs Wall Street

Αλληλεγγύης – Solidarity!
Thrilled in many ways bout this, yet I remain uneasy with the term “occupation” – U can’t “forcefully possess” (source of quote) what is already yours. Furthermore, it has a military ring to it:

personally, I think, 1 could be drawn 2 the sentiment that especially 3b just happened 2 the American people, inflicted by, ouhm, yeah, the military government, and who knows, what kinda foreign interest may lay on it all (3a) – I figure the people in Zuccotti Park are protesting that exact process. The only feature qualifying 4 “occupation” is that it is temporary – until they get what they want.

All power emerges from the people. The people first, speculations later. I don’t think I really qualify as a socialist but 2 me, trading stuff was always a driving force behind economic success of a place – the scientist … Continue reading

SAT OCT 8: tune in2 barKanada

Workin’ on it as I am typing, u can tune in from 11 am EST/17h MEZ via live stream here – anybody heard ’bout the protests on Wall Street in New York? Apparently somebody photoshopped a google earth pic 2 make the crowd look bigger – there is an interesting discussion about that right here. Just click the word “here”!

4 me, this is the most interesting comment, close 2 the 1 question everybody assessing the truthfulness of any publication should ask:

Who is profiting from the notion that the publications evokes? Who is the real author?

This is the comment (left by Jordan October 3, 2011 at 2:46 am)

“I think the real question for this community to get to the bottom of at this point is who is Jason Wettstein and did he even make this image at all? It looks like he stole the image … Continue reading