A healthy protest

“Ask for work. If they do not give you work, ask for bread. If they do not give you work or bread, then take bread.”



“We are often told that the poor are grateful for charity. Some of them are, no doubt, but the best amongst the poor are never grateful. They are ungrateful, discontented, disobedient, and rebellious. They are quite right to be so. Charity they feel to be a ridiculously inadequate mode of partial restitution, or a sentimental dole, usually accompanied by some impertinent attempt on the part of the sentimentalist to tyrannise over their private lives. Why should they be grateful for the crumbs that fall from the rich man’s table? They should be seated at the board, and are beginning to … Continue reading

Resilience and justice at TNGALLIENCE!

Happy Sunday, Everyone! We just sent out our first newsletter?! Huzzah?! If you haven’t done so already, ✅please subscribe✅at Www.Tngalliance.com. Please also consider following us on telegram at https://t.me/joinchat/TmwroztUKYgxHjOm

We’ve also updated the website with a few new additions to the ?Birth Certificate Remedy Strategy?, which includes a new link to an email address to organize everyone in one place. It’s time to ?start moving forward with this action, ?so please take the time to go through everything and email us ?from the website below. https://tngalliance.com/birth-certificate-remedy

The ideal situation is to have an international action zoom meeting next week to go over this with Sensei and the Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and Justice , Dena Churchill and crew from the east coast, and Emmanuel Beryllia plus all our friends from the Caribbean and the USA (Potentially Friday at 8pm EST or Saturday at 3pm EST).

?It’s … Continue reading