What pipe dream vexes North America

Very revealing article in The Tyee here.

“(…) (For the record, the oil industry is not a jobs machine. It is the world’s most capital-intensive industry and earns more than 10 per cent of the world’s GDP. But it only employs less than one tenth of one per cent of the world’s workers. In Canada it accounts for but 1.8 per cent of the workforce.)

No matter. TransCanada’s immodest economic models, for example, piped out job estimates 13 times greater (199,000) than those done by U.S. State Department (5,000 to 8,000) over a three- year period.

A 2011 Cornell University Global Labor Institute report crunched the numbers too and revealed that the project’s construction would inject no more than $4-billion into the U.S. economy and only create between 2,500 and 4,650 jobs. (…)”

BarKanada playlist JAN 2012

Shake It Upside Down Steve Marriner Going Up 2007
Good Year The Danger Bees 2011
Big Fuss and the Horndog PluggedReal this is how we dance 2011
Shallow Water Takaya Blaney 2011
Oliver’s Song Peter Katz First of the Last to Know 2012
Cocoa Payol Canefire Pandemonium, 2010 Indie
Get Ready George Olliver & The Mandalas
Own Way Home The Kirby Sewell Band Bought Myself A Hammer 2012
Aquarela Luanda Jones Aquarela 2009
Dans Ton Oreille Jérôme Minière Le Vrai Faux 2011
Piggy John Carroll Everybody Smokes In Hell 2012
Abacus Drumhand Moving Still 2010
Shake It Upside Down Steve Marriner Going Up 2007

Thoughts on today and tomorrow

Macdonald J E Stainsby 10:57pm Jan 18
Not a statement, but a thought on the denial of the Keystone XL permit. This was not Obama “getting it right”– this was Obama afraid of people power. As a result of the long term struggles of many groups– in particular the first nations being killed off in actual fact by tar sands developments and all of the infrastructure from gas lines that feed to pipelines that supply and refineries that develop in Ontario, the US and elsewhere– but also the real fear of an administration that has seen people in city after city and across the US *in the streets*, taking back their power in numbers not seen in decades, the real heroes are all of you who have participated in building resistance to KXL, climate change, tar sands and corporate plunder and even capitalism itself. You– not Obama– are to … Continue reading

How to recognize insurgents who threaten democracy in Canada

As US President Barack Obama rejects the Keystone Excel Pipeline as proposed by Trans Canada Corp. today, the focus is on Canada’s Northern Gateway Proposal. Thankfully, die urwüchsige Nation scheint aufgerüttelt und für eine echte und öffentliche Debatte:

Harper warns pipeline hearings could be “hijacked” on CBC News
An Open Letter from Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver in The Globe And Mail
Harper says pipeline debate should be left to Canadians in CBC News
Opposition to oil tankers on the rise in Forest Ethics
Save the Fraser Declaration
Pipeline project a gateway to disaster

WalkOffTheEarth: Somebody That I Used to Know (Gotye – Cover)

Fast neun Millionen Aufrufe dieses Youtube Videos zählt die Band aus Burlington, Ontario – da kann ja dann mit der baldigen Release der neuen Scheibe nicht mehr viel schief gehen….
BarKanada ist bald wieder auf Sendung: SAT 14 Januar, 17h MEZ oder 11am EST. ‘Reinhören hier www.tonkuhle.de

Gas prices will go up with new Keystone Pipeline

Update 12 JAN: Hervorragende Richtigstellung in “The Ottawa Citizen“, numbers and all:

“If there were a global competition for the most brazen and preposterously transparent attempt by a ruling political party to change a necessary subject of national debate with alarmist distractions and hubbub, the Conservative escapade engineered in Ottawa these past few days really deserves some kind of grand prize.”

Read more: http://www.ottawacitizen.com/business/real+foreign+interests+oilsands/5981230/story.html#ixzz1jJFgpKPa

Update 11 JAN: The Toronto Star calls a Cabinet Minister using that rhetoric “nuts”. This passage contains a more realistic assessment: “The parody lies with the fact that Canada’s oil industry is dominated by multinationals. That means there will indeed be a lot of big-money foreign interests pushing the three-person federal review panel to okay a pipeline from Alberta’s oilsands to a tanker port at Kitimat on the British Columbia coast.

America’s Exxon Mobil, Britain’s BP, France’s Total E&P, China’s SinoCanada Petroleum … Continue reading

Really Canada: Don’t attack other countries.

IRAN – a beautiful, ancient culture with many uprisings of educated young citizens claiming their rights – where were u then with your soldiers? These sprouts of Eden have been Spring Snowflakes breaking through an ideological dark in what is now the melting slosh of the former ice ages of the Middle East and the US. They need and deserve our support.

Some backround now? Here is a democracyNow.org segment about the CIA’s 1953 coup of a democratically elected government in IRAN (Uploaded on Oct 2, 2007).

This is what I heard on CFRA 2day. It was host Michael Harris more or less, original wording may vary, assessing Canada’s PM’s earlier claim, IRAN “wants” to use nuclear bombs.

Quote start
That Irak supposingly had “weapons of mass destruction” is the BIGGEST LIE of the past decade.
Stephen Harper needs to be challenged, because he … Continue reading