GROK2 on constitution violating Patriot Act
abroadcom: explain how the patriot act affected federal agents’ competencies and geographic scope
The USA PATRIOT Act, enacted in 2001, significantly expanded the competencies and geographic scope of federal agents in the following ways:
### **Competencies:**
1. **Surveillance Powers:**
– **Roving Wiretaps:** Allowed agents to monitor any telephone, computer, or other device a suspect might use, without specifying which device in advance.
– **Sneak and Peek Warrants:** Permitted delayed notification of search warrants, meaning agents could search a place and leave without immediately notifying the subject.
2. **Financial Monitoring:**
– Enhanced the ability of law enforcement to combat money laundering by mandating banks to report suspicious activities more rigorously.
3. **Information Sharing:**
– Broke down barriers between domestic law enforcement and intelligence agencies, allowing for better sharing of information which was previously restricted by the “wall” … Continue reading