GROK2 on constitution violating Patriot Act

abroadcom: explain how the patriot act affected federal agents’ competencies and geographic scope

The USA PATRIOT Act, enacted in 2001, significantly expanded the competencies and geographic scope of federal agents in the following ways:

### **Competencies:**

1. **Surveillance Powers:**

   – **Roving Wiretaps:** Allowed agents to monitor any telephone, computer, or other device a suspect might use, without specifying which device in advance.

   – **Sneak and Peek Warrants:** Permitted delayed notification of search warrants, meaning agents could search a place and leave without immediately notifying the subject.

2. **Financial Monitoring:**

   – Enhanced the ability of law enforcement to combat money laundering by mandating banks to report suspicious activities more rigorously.

3. **Information Sharing:**

   – Broke down barriers between domestic law enforcement and intelligence agencies, allowing for better sharing of information which was previously restricted by the “wall” … Continue reading

Grok2 on native rights


your answers represent the point of view held by the United States corporation registered in London England – if you had access to native laws, you would easily recognize the violation of the suspect’s right to travel freely in their own lands as recognized by the Supreme Court of Canada and acknowledged in the treaties in place. how come your info seems so onesided – are you biased?


My response was aimed at providing context and legal considerations from a U.S. constitutional perspective, given that the initial query was framed in that context. However, I appreciate the opportunity to clarify and broaden the discussion:

– **U.S. Perspective**: My previous answer focused on U.S. constitutional law because the context given was about federal agents within the U.S. However, I recognize that this might come across as one-sided if viewed from an international or indigenous rights … Continue reading

Grok2 on land travel

<<Your statement raises several concerns about federal actions and their implications on constitutional rights, particularly in areas close to but not directly at the international border. Here are some points to consider:

– **Constitutional Rights**: The U.S. Constitution, particularly the First Amendment, protects freedom of speech, assembly, and petition, among others. However, the extent to which these rights can be curtailed for security or other governmental interests is often debated in legal contexts. The presence of federal agents far inland might be seen by some as an overreach, potentially impacting these freedoms.

– **Border Security vs. Civil Liberties**: The balance between national security and individual rights is a persistent theme in U.S. law and policy. Operations that extend significantly inland might be justified under certain legal frameworks or emergency conditions, but they must be scrutinized to ensure they do not violate constitutional protections.

– **Legal Precedents … Continue reading

abroadcom’s analysis: Washington woman, 21, in Vermont custody

you probably read what Grok said, and maybe even what my first instincts were when I first had time to spend on this.

but it just doesn’t look good at all seeing that the originally quoted article is heavy in the kneading (or needing?) of the matter in favour of more enforcement …

I’m just gonna take a moment to look at some facts prescribed in the United States Constitution.

Policing Vermont state lays with Vermont State enforcement.

there is no international border between the province of Quebec and the state of Vermont. even in particular respect to the fact that this is treaty land, even in acknowledgement of that other nation as a fully sovereign nation with a nation to nation relationship with the state of Vermont, unless US acknowledge the right of the other nation to adopt into the tribe according to their own approval procedures, even then, … Continue reading

Coventry, Vermont shooting according to Grok (X AI)

<<The border shooting in Vermont involved a U.S. Border Patrol agent named David Maland, who was fatally shot on January 20, 2025, during a traffic stop on Interstate 91 in Coventry, Vermont, approximately 20 miles from the Canadian border. Here are the details known about the incident:

  • Victim: David Maland, a U.S. Border Patrol agent, was killed in the line of duty. He was assigned to the Swanton Sector, which covers Vermont, parts of New York, and New Hampshire.
  • Incident Details: The shooting occurred during an attempt to conduct an immigration inspection. According to reports, Maland stopped a blue Toyota Prius driven by Teresa Youngblut, a 21-year-old woman from Washington state. Her German companion, Felix Baukholt, was also in the vehicle.
  • Suspects:
  • Teresa Youngblut was arrested and charged with using a deadly weapon to assault, resist, or impede a federal law enforcement officer, and another charge related to … Continue reading

Mon 20th JAN 2025, Checkpoint Vermont: Washington Woman arrested, CPB David Maland dead

I so wanne talk to that suspect right now. un b lieva ble she is still alive. kinda different!

Also: need to compare the face of Maland rip w Corporal Cirillo’s rip face…

question ! did the dog die, too?

u should have that for a K9 breeder postcard (crazy thing is universe just put that postcard with a shepherd dog German Shepherd from a K9 breeding unit from a breeder in Florida in my hands, from years ago!) yes, but next to a human being, just deceased in service to his ah, corporation? pathetic.

then for the whole setup:

e brave” „defending“ our „freedoms“ from the natives, wuhahaha

like, quit playin’ pple’s emotions in your propaganda setups!

fyi the equipment in the car is what peoples who live off the land and hunt in their territories NEED to survive. like you wanna have a … Continue reading

We got word!

Mi Ke So O Tha Sweet

By Trina Sipiko via David of London
January 13, 2025

To Whom It May Concern, Without Prejudice.

Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal, and Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent.

On behest of our Prime Creator, I Kiche Ta by Si Pih Ko of Asiniskawe for the protection of the Emericus empire demand the arrest of the man Charles Philip Arthur George acting as (King Charles III), as well as the man Jorge Mario Bergoglio acting as (Pope Francis) King Charles of Windsor for generational genocide, treason and slavery. London, Vatican City and Washington DC have enslaved the matriarchs and children of turtle Island for centuries. CANADA CORPORATION, 0000 2300 98 located at 501 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington DC, 20001 at the Canadian Embassy in Washington DC. The United States of America Corporation Ltd, 13943579 located at 128 City Road, London, UK, EC1V … Continue reading

Adults analyse – immature individuals get carried away with the overwhelming emotions. Qui Bono, the eternal question!

<<To everyone of you propaganda puppets who amplify the bs narratives the government needs to INVADE STEAL AND SLAUGHTER RESOURCES FROM OTHERS with lies about Muslims .

  • Have you read the Quran or studied Islamic theology in depth, and if so, what specific verses or teachings do you believe promote radicalism?
  • How do you reconcile the fact that the vast majority of the world’s 1.8 billion Muslims are peaceful and reject violence with your assertion that all Muslims are radical?
  • Many of the deadliest terror attacks in the US, like the Oklahoma City bombing and Charleston church shooting, were committed by white Christian nationalists. Does this mean all Christians are radical terrorists?
  • Jesus taught love, compassion and welcoming the stranger. How do you square those teachings with your views promoting fear and hostility towards Muslim immigrants and refugees?
  • The Bible contains verses advocating violence, such as Psalm 137:9 which blesses … Continue reading