Mon 20th JAN 2025, Checkpoint Vermont: Washington Woman arrested, CPB David Maland dead

I so wanne talk to that suspect right now. un b lieva ble she is still alive. kinda different!

Also: need to compare the face of Maland rip w Corporal Cirillo’s rip face…

question ! did the dog die, too?

u should have that for a K9 breeder postcard (crazy thing is universe just put that postcard with a shepherd dog German Shepherd from a K9 breeding unit from a breeder in Florida in my hands, from years ago!) yes, but next to a human being, just deceased in service to his ah, corporation? pathetic.

then for the whole setup:

e brave” „defending“ our „freedoms“ from the natives, wuhahaha

like, quit playin’ pple’s emotions in your propaganda setups!

fyi the equipment in the car is what peoples who live off the land and hunt in their territories NEED to survive. like you wanna have a Plan B in the hills of Vermont in January – is that suspicious now?

what kinda guns, u failure of scribbling, u masters of deception?

Imma take a real wild guess – hunting rifles?

it’s 100% speculation but I bet you any money that was a native American lady who didn’t want to see her German boyfriend go and be taken from her in her own land where she should not be stopped in her free travel at all according to the first amendment of the US Constitution!

but no!

papers please!

that’s how Auschwitz started;

and !

that‘s how Gaza started

and guess who is programming all the digital surveillance electronic PreApproval GARBAGE TAX PAYER‘s loss super waste programs? IT IS AN INDUSTRY!!!

why stop now when digitization could enslave every last soul on this planet? lock‘em up!

and then she freaked after years of degrading policestating by both corporations as they travel through their lands –

and a little bit of MK ultra from you know who


do u even trust this reporting?

CHECKPOINT abuse background

Just Us system Canada/US constitution

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