Weimarer Richter erduldet Gestapo-artige Hausdurchsuchung


<<Der Ausbau der Diktatur wird zügig voran getrieben.

Geteilt von Nico DaVinci❗

* Skandal: Hausdurchsuchung bei Richter in Weimar *

Es dürfte sich in unseren Kreisen bereits herumgesprochen haben und für viele ja keine Neuigkeit mehr sein:

Bei dem Weimarer Richter, der das sogenannte Sensationsurteil (besser: Beschluss) in Bezug auf die Masken-, Abstands- und Testpflicht an 2 Schulen gesprochen hat, wurde heute eine Hausdurchsuchung durchgeführt, Büro, Auto und private Räumlichkeiten wurden durchsucht, sein Mobiltelefon beschlagnahmt.

Höchstbedenklich ist zu milde gesagt, wir steuern immer weiter in eine Richtung, die jedem, der seinen Verstand noch nicht in seine medizinische Maske ausgehaucht hat, einen gehörigen Schrecken verursachen sollten.

Ich messe Experten, denen ich persönlich vertrauen möchte vor allem daran, ob deren Prognosen oder Auffassungen sich an relevanten Stellen als zutreffend herausstellen und wenn ja wie oft.

Eine Person, der ich gerne zuhöre und die bisher in mehreren Fällen gerichtlich bestätigt in … Continue reading

Delaying is refusing justice

This letter, (and 600 others like it – which exposed their constant 1913-present administrative genocide of injured workers), is why all Premiers of Ontario have tried to administratively murder me since I became injured-on-the-job. The WSIAT tribunal attacked, defamed and defrauded me at my August 2000 hearing – and every day since – because they know that it is the TRUTH!!

January 27, 2000

Chair of the WSIAT; Vice-Chair of the WSIAT
Panel members

Dear Sirs:

In my claims and appeals, several rational connections do exist
between the breach of the Act, and the consequences that I have
suffered which are adverse to the fulfillment of the objectives
of the Act, and the remedy.

The legislation includes provision of the necessary care for the
consolidation of an injury, the physical, social and vocational
rehabilitation of a worker who has suffered an injury. I … Continue reading

JT PM of Canada videotaped bragging about <> w near 2 billion $$ to the lead media CBC CTV


Experimental vaccines, false positives from a Covid PCR test that is outlawed in many countries. Liberal Government paying 600M to our media to report their propaganda.

People following the narrative without ever doing their due diligence, and researching the truth.

Open your eyes before your CHILDREN PAY THE PRICE!

Totalitarian mind control under the artistic microscope.

Thinking for yourself endangers the common good.
Body contact causes suffering.
Facial expression is excessive.
Solitary confinement is safe.
Minding your health is excessive.
Closeness is dangerous.
Sterility is essential.
Aloneness is the answer.
Restrictions are freedoms.
The government is your family.
The new normal is here.
Pharmaceutical companies love you.
Everyone loves the pharmaceutical companies.
Vaccination is charity.
Vaccinate to express your love.
Obedience is love.
Questioning vaccines is murder.
Reporting your friends is duty.
Reporting your family is duty.
The enemy is next door.
You are not essential.
Big business is essential.
The government is essential.
The government is life.
Questioning masks is murder.>>


“The world has changed”

We made it so, says the ruler, and now you follow.

This is really a way for government to control content – censorship! everybody needs to see this clearly: governments have no say in the free expression of their peoples and they cannot mandate one or the other language – that’s just wrong because if you take away somebody’s language you make it hard to express yourself in that language and express that culture, that’s genocide.


Nuremberg 2.0: German lawyer takes on criminals of the invisible war.


<<A few months ago, Reiner Fuellmich told me about his plans to take the WHO (and other players) to court for “crimes against humanity”.

He is one of the most powerful lawyers in Europe, and is currently preparing the largest class action lawsuit in history, otherwise known as “Nuremberg 2.0”.

Reiner joined me last night for an update on how things are going.


Here’s the takeaway.

Reiner is an amazing man.

He will be remembered – for all the right … Continue reading

Come! 15th May 2021

? World Wide Demonstration 2.0 ?

? Ottawa is rising up! ?

On May 15th, people from all over the world are standing side by side for freedom and human rights!

We are one big family!!!


Parliament Hill

10 AM – 1 PM

For more information visit the group: t.me/worldwidecanada

You will find the official channel for the World Wide Demonstration here:



Virus “isolated”?!

The problem that I had with this virus after understanding that PCR tests at 45 rotations (=? insanity coz of 99 % false positives) about a year ago, or really, which ever kind of rotations are not able to detect live virus.

I’m going to say that one more time !

the terminology is being used as if it were little boys playing in the dirt in front of us and PCR tests are unable to detect live virus infections – scientific fact!


ManitobaHydro: Stop the forced flooding of firstNations lands!

My name is Angela and I’m from the community of O-Pipon-Na-Piwin Cree Nation at South Indian Lake in Northern Manitoba. A few months ago, I started a petition on Change.org to protect my community from further destruction and forced flooding at the hands of Manitoba Hydro

Hydro projects have flooded our lands and flushed mercury and other contaminants into our lake, polluting our fish and our waters.

The situation has been dire for decades now but the reason I’m writing to you today is because – if we don’t stop them – the Manitoba government will soon approve a “final license” to continue this destruction. This license would grant Manitoba Hydro the power to permanently destroy my community’s land, water, and ultimately our lives. Before this license is granted, we urgently need your help to pressure the Manitoba government to reject it. Sign now

Before these Hydro projects, … Continue reading

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi Perspectives on the Pandemic “Blood Clots and Beyond”

First published 16 Apr 2021

In February, 2021, Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, M.D. and a number of his colleagues warned the European Medicines Agency about the potential danger of blood clots and cerebral vein thrombosis in millions of people receiving experimental gene-based injections. 

Since then, two of the four injections have been suspended or recalled in Europe and the United States for just that reason. 

In this episode of Perspectives, Professor Bhakdi explains the science behind the problem, why it is not just limited to the products already suspended, and why in the long term we may be creating dangerously overactive immune systems in billions of unwitting subjects.

Support/ez abroadcom!

You heard that #Fuellmich and #Swinwood are preparing a class action for kids? My interview has already over 1200 views! Please help me to get bigger subscribe follow support share


I have standards that u can count on 2b the bread n butter of my reporting. Pls go to my website for 30 pg pdf free download.

anybody got a nice broadcasting van they could donate to my operation?

Thank you
Blessings your way ??????

Vous avez entendu que #Fuellmich et #Swinwood préparent le lancement d’un action juridique pour enfants qui étaient terrorisée par les dictâtes sans base scientifique?

Mon entrevue a déjà reçu plus que 12oo vues – s’il vous plaît aidez- moi à devenir plus grande plus vite plus indépendante suivez mon canal, inscrivez-vous supportez-moi, envoyez-moi d’argent ou bien partagez mes publications –

Si vous en avez un vieux camion pour faire des émissions médias peut-être … Continue reading

Michael Swinwood and Reiner Füllmich prepare class action for children

April 8th 2021

Ottawa, ON: Sovereignty advocates prepare class action law suit to benefit children traumatized by the unsubstantiated government dictates

Please click on the link here following to watch the newest interview with EldersWithoutBorders.ca founder Michael Swinwood

#Michael Swinwood and #Reiner Füllmich launch #classaction for children

Michael Swinwood B.A. LL.B. fresh off the call with Reiner Füllmich of Germany to lay out history and systemic violation of indigenous rights by the Crown and the crown corporations around the world, his illustrations serving as an introduction to launch an international claim for damages for traumatized children.

His prior class action lawsuit against the Canadian Crown is in the appeal awaiting the submission arguing a memorandum of law, which should lay out to the judge why it was wrong to reject the case in the first instance.

The Canadian sovereignty advocate is asking for favourable prayers as to the … Continue reading

Lawfully Reopen/Ouvrir légalement!



This “what to do” document contains information to help PEOPLE/YOU open your business by applying the Bill of Rights to reclaim your rights in dealing with the police.



Really good information also comes from standupcanada.solutions




#Chris Skye defies hospital guards in Alberta, CA


Wow. The bravery of @ #ChrisSkye . The ongoing human rights trampling by the corporation with their willing, self important parade uniform executers. One person has a spine here. One great person is standing up to the masses w their stagnation and incrusted conceptions trampling over their own veterans’ ultimate sacrifice just 80 years ago, 4 generations ltr is that how easy it is to wipe it off your psyche? That it is brave to question authority that it is free to question authority that it is the essence of being free to question authority that it is the only consequence of dying that you live free after that. don’t waste that sacrifice. Oh #Texas, the lone star, how I long 4 u #DeSantis please help these God4saken bootlickers. Please share.