The trucker who never left Brian Derksen was arrested by Ottawa city police on Tuesday, 31 May 2022 at around noon. Police threatened to trash and throw in the garbage his set up and amplification equipment on camera.

According to his own words police released Derksen at around 8 PM of the same day.

Derksen’s lawyer said, the charges of highway obstruction and obstruction of justice appear untenable and frivolous.

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Camera, interview and production by

Canadian council chez Reiner

Corona-Ausschuss Sitzung 95: Hinter dem Vorhang

Hallo liebe Leute, so wie immer gibt es im Corona Ausschuss super eloquente ExpertInnen zu hören, und die Sitzung der vergangenen Woche ist da keine Ausnahme. Zwei verschiedene Kanadier geben Einblicke in die Situation des nordamerikanischen Riesenstaates, auf den zumindest die Kommunistische Partei China’s sicherlich ein Auge geworfen hat ob der enormen Bodenschätze, wenn nicht wegen des auf diesem Planeten einzigartigen  Trinkwasserreservoirs alleine. Sie bestätigen, was auch immer schon seit langem mein Eindruck gewesen ist: dass die so genannte Regierungsspitze nur installiert ist, durch Oligarchische Kräfte, die auch schon seit jeher in Kanada die ökonomischen Entwicklungen kontrollieren und an 99 % der Kanadier vorbeiprofitieren.

Mit der Corona Diktatur haben sie Hebel in die Hände bekommen, die sie nicht wieder aufgeben wollen, jedoch werden die Stimmen nicht nur lauter, sondern auch vernehmbarer im nördlichen Teil von Amerika, die eine grundsätzliche Neuordnung im Licht … Continue reading

Arms planted?—sabotage

I’m sure it was a lie when I heard on #CFRA that protesters in Coutts, AB had brought automatic weapons and they had just been seized by the RCMP – I asked to Ottawans about this, and they  promptly started laughing at me ! watch that live on my Twitch right here:

Open letter to my family in good old Germany

Liebste, einzige Mutter,
Ich versuche immer noch zu begreifen, wie es sein kann, dass du mir solche Antworten gibst.
Du sagtest “die vielen Toten, die vielen Toten” und hast dann ziemlich schnell die Verbindung mit mir unterbrochen.
Dazu möchte ich nochmals folgende Punkte wiederholen
die Sterberate in 2020 war NICHT höher
Als im Jahr vorher und da keine Autopsien erfolgt sind und keine Blutuntersuchungen oder Ausschluss Tests für bakterielle Infektionen unternommen worden sind, ist es wissenschaftlich nicht begründbar, diese Todesfälle, welche immer du auch damit im Kopf hast (Vermutlich ist diese Position ja nur durch die Dauer-MissRepresentation in den korrupten LeitKanäle erreicht) – auf ein niemals mit traditionellen wissenschaftlichen Methoden demonstriertes Virus, geschweige denn eine Krankheit zu schieben.Viele Mediziner haben in der Zwischenzeit verglichen und Kreuztests gemacht und gefunden, dass alle Leute, in einer Studie mit über 70.000 TeilnehmerInnen, die angeblich an Corona gestorben Sein sollen, in Wirklichkeit eine gravierende Vitamin D3 Unterversorgung … Continue reading

Kazakhstan = Kanada

Kazakhstan is not that different from


Canadians watch out – what is happening to you all?

Attention les Canadiens – qu’est-ce qui vous arrive?

#Solidarność = not only undermined but SET UP by the #CIA ?!

Starker Tobak, wäre jedoch nicht das erste Mal!

die größere Perspektive, für die mir leider noch die Dokumentationen fehlen …

belt and road initiative is the exact same next thing coming to Canada and this is why the place is got to be emptied, and everybody of their rights completely stripped.

Now the situation in Canada makes more and more sense and in the United States it was just to install an illegitimate president?

It’s like a bad dream and I can’t wake up and it’s getting worse every time the universe homes another little piece of the puzzle.

Which is is despite it all a magical process.

Canadian Crime Minister racketeering doc

The arrogance, the vacuum like absence of recourse or conscience, of any basic ethics nor understanding, not to expect empathy for what a violation of rights does to a victim, that Trudeau Junior has shown in the WE scandal and earlier under accusations of infringing in somebody’s bodily autonomy have shown the Canadian people the true colours of this criminal early on.

This is why by child abuse traumatized individuals need healing in a natural setting away from their social circle of crime and cannot be in office while they are acting out their trauma that knows only control and fear and from that experience has embedded that compliance is survival.

That is not an American way of life.

I’m not referring to the United States, that is the other for-profit corporation offering government services that nobody needs to opt in on, as it turns out … Continue reading

The Day Jake Tapper Sold His Soul to Pharma • Children’s Health Defense

There’s a reason CNN’s Jake Tapper is intent on branding me a “menace” and “a liar,” and why he refuses to debate me on the merits of facts and scientific evidence. Here’s the back story.
— Read on

Starving, experimental depravation!

Lest We forget: The Starving of Indigenous Children in Canada as a Government Experiment during the 1940s…

As a 10-year-old boy, Alvin Dixon remembers having to milk cows during his stay at a residential school in Port Alberni, B.C. Yet, he was always fed only powdered milk.

Dixon, who is now 76 years old, was forcibly taken from his family in Bella Bella, on British Columbia’s northwest coast, when he was a child and relocated to Port Alberni, B.C., where he said he and many of his classmates were starved.

“We would be so hungry and we would steal these potatoes [from farmers’ fields] and eat it raw,” he told CBC News.

Recently published research suggests Dixon’s experiences were part of a long-standing, government-run experiment designed by researchers to test the effects of malnutrition.

The research by food historian Ian Mosby has revealed the experiments involved at least … Continue reading

Treasonous managers – how to forsake officers and brutalize innocent freedom defenders, or: the violent autocratic disfunction that is corporate Toronto Police management.

This past weekend following a freedom march on Saturday, 30th of January, Toronto Police Services TPS street officers again arrested Kelly Anne Wolfe, organizer of the freedom movement of Canada. According to her own account she was this time BEATEN to a bruise, placed in solitary confinement without food nor water for 29 hours while going through menses without any hygiene supplies. She recounts the degrading treatment herself: ”There was a flickering lightbulb and a woman screaming for nearly half the time I was there.”

Did she violate her previously imposed “conditions” ? No. Were those conditions scientifically substantiated in any way?  Also negative.

So really, that means KAW didn’t do anything wrong last Saturday!

Yet she was met with the violent wrath of the biggest police department in the province and likely in all of Canada. What is it about her love of freedom, that the corporation … Continue reading

Treasonous managers – how to forsake officers and brutalize innocent freedom defenders, or: the violent autocratic disfunction that is corporate Toronto Police management.

This past weekend following a freedom march on Saturday, 30th of January, Toronto Police Services TPS street officers again arrested Kelly Anne Wolfe, organizer of the freedom movement of Canada. According to her own account she was this time BEATEN to a bruise, placed in solitary confinement without food nor water for 29 hours while going through menses without any hygiene supplies. She recounts the degrading treatment herself: ”There was a flickering lightbulb and a woman screaming for nearly half the time I was there.”

Did she violate her previously imposed “conditions” ? No. Were those conditions scientifically substantiated in any way?  Also negative.

So really, that means KAW didn’t do anything wrong last Saturday!

Yet she was met with the violent wrath of the biggest police department in the province and likely in all of Canada. What is it about her love of freedom, that the corporation … Continue reading