Veto! US president Obama stops Keystone XL.

For now anyway, or so reads Tom Zeller hier in Forbes (keine Ahnung, wem die gehören, any takers?)

A bit more input is on politico:


LIKE, WHAT? is that a free market? where is the 24 million dollar GOVERNMENT ad campaign for Renewable energy?

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The Brian Downey Band every Wednesday @ The Black Irish Pub, Ottawa.

The capital’s grand daddy of the shuffle put together another great version of his ever evolving band formations and is celebrating Afro-American composers and musicians, presenting Blues & Jazz and everything in between with the ease of a southern breeze!

Especially Brent Weatherall on the guitar continues to amaze with musicality and versatility and has honed and polished his singing beautifully. He used to also play a lot of bass with Downey, who now finally, has his female singer of 5 years on the bass: Maren Molthan who seems to enjoy to sing over her own pockets and sure makes a point in holding down a funky groove. A long way from her native Germany, she seems to have scooped up some of that southern sweetness in her stage presence throughout extended trips across the USA. Horace Hogans on percussion and vocals is a musical … Continue reading