Statecode Utah: using the term “vaccine” for the experimental gene therapy over the last two years amounts to an intentional misleading of the public – Sneak Peek | David Martin

Covid Revealed – Sneak Peek | David Martin
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Kazakhstan = Kanada

Kazakhstan is not that different from


Canadians watch out – what is happening to you all?

Attention les Canadiens – qu’est-ce qui vous arrive?

#Solidarność = not only undermined but SET UP by the #CIA ?!

Starker Tobak, wäre jedoch nicht das erste Mal!

die größere Perspektive, für die mir leider noch die Dokumentationen fehlen …

belt and road initiative is the exact same next thing coming to Canada and this is why the place is got to be emptied, and everybody of their rights completely stripped.

Now the situation in Canada makes more and more sense and in the United States it was just to install an illegitimate president?

It’s like a bad dream and I can’t wake up and it’s getting worse every time the universe homes another little piece of the puzzle.

Which is is despite it all a magical process.

Canadian Crime Minister racketeering doc

The arrogance, the vacuum like absence of recourse or conscience, of any basic ethics nor understanding, not to expect empathy for what a violation of rights does to a victim, that Trudeau Junior has shown in the WE scandal and earlier under accusations of infringing in somebody’s bodily autonomy have shown the Canadian people the true colours of this criminal early on.

This is why by child abuse traumatized individuals need healing in a natural setting away from their social circle of crime and cannot be in office while they are acting out their trauma that knows only control and fear and from that experience has embedded that compliance is survival.

That is not an American way of life.

I’m not referring to the United States, that is the other for-profit corporation offering government services that nobody needs to opt in on, as it turns out … Continue reading

The Day Jake Tapper Sold His Soul to Pharma • Children’s Health Defense

There’s a reason CNN’s Jake Tapper is intent on branding me a “menace” and “a liar,” and why he refuses to debate me on the merits of facts and scientific evidence. Here’s the back story.
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Near one in every 100 injection treated young men dead shortly after 2. injection – yet CDC murderers do not call off the genocide.

It’s a real mystery how a disaster of an experiment is not immediately stopped – if this was little kittens we would’ve never injected them in the first place, yet it’s just our most precious future and most vulnerable who are attacked now.

At one minute 49 seconds into this Highwire segment with the Jaxx report, the experience so far with this murderous experimental genetic treatment is documented in the numbers, without factoring in any under- reporting.

Traitors in what used to be or excuse me, never was, an institution to protect the consumer








This needs to stop yesterday. Don’t obey. Civil disobedience. To not stop murder is to be guilty of facilitation of murder. Doing nothing in the face of crime is to side with the perpetrator.

In comparison what seems … Continue reading

Vaccine cultists attacking children

<<The government condoning children to get vaccinated without their parent’s knowledge or consent, and offering them ice cream to do it, is akin to them being molesters in a van offering candy! Should anyone allow this to happen?! #CrimesAgainstChildren #SaveOurChildren #SaveTheChildren #SaveOurYouth #FreeTheKids #SayNoToVaccines>>


Telephone call with receptionist and “Corinne”, nurse at Carson Medical Clinic, Ottawa, ON

Interesting how these communications always come out at a point where the person on the other end says ‘oh we are just following the orders’ – following orders will not protect anybody in the medical community or elsewhere from later guilt sentencing in court for crimes against humanity or violating the Hippocratic oath.

Note: the fb page “Carson Medical Clinic” is not managed by the clinic. The clinic neither maintains a website. At the time of my call, staff was unaware of the reply I had sent to their mass emailing on Monday following a news report falsely claiming that clinics would administer the “vaccine”. My understanding from communication focused conversations with ghp Dr Alex Duong is that privacy regulations do not allow for or make such exchanges mandatory to follow a privacy protocol to encode patient data.

Please look at this fab brief: