Canadian Crime Minister racketeering doc

The arrogance, the vacuum like absence of recourse or conscience, of any basic ethics nor understanding, not to expect empathy for what a violation of rights does to a victim, that Trudeau Junior has shown in the WE scandal and earlier under accusations of infringing in somebody’s bodily autonomy have shown the Canadian people the true colours of this criminal early on.

This is why by child abuse traumatized individuals need healing in a natural setting away from their social circle of crime and cannot be in office while they are acting out their trauma that knows only control and fear and from that experience has embedded that compliance is survival.

That is not an American way of life.

I’m not referring to the United States, that is the other for-profit corporation offering government services that nobody needs to opt in on, as it turns out … Continue reading

Ladies & gentlemen, The A side!

A 22 year young Brian E Downey here so precise on these really sophisticated fills and rolls, at the same time so loose and in the back pocket at all times after only three years of playing the drums at all – really creating a testament to the Motown style in this recording ! Lucky him his fabulous singer performer musician wife #PattiHall introduced him into the Detroit scene!

If you have noticed other Detroit or Chicago recordings with Brian E. Downey on the drums please let us know – this is however the only vinyl that survived in his household!

“I’m Catching On 1966 – Betty Lloyd (Martha & The Vandellas on back vocals!) A side.mp3”-

On the Move – WP manipulations for a mobile life style.

1. Whatever you do, change only one thing at a time. If that change interferes with scripts that are necessary to run in order for your website to function the way you intended, then you will immediately understand what caused the problem.

To illustrate that: if you were thinking of installing a new plug-in, install the plug-in and then look at your page, and then activate the plug-in, and then look at your page again to see what that actually does.

If everything is working smoothly, you can install and activate the next plug-in.


Make sure that your page is at the safest URL which is no longer HTTP:// but rather HTTPS://. I was unaware and ignored that for the longest time and only noticed because of error logs that my site was not secure and that might also happened to the visitors to … Continue reading


so – trying to install the right feel, have to unzipp some files … how is everybody doing?

In case u’re starting to wonder where I ever went: Nowhere. Just startet working really hard. Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to u my business card:

Your independent audio broker

Nice little in-house production. Koodows (doKows?) to the giMP. Also am on twitter.

Really enjoying the weather.  Sonne nur limitiert durch die schon merkliche Kürze der Tage. Plusgrade, da darf man still in sich hineinlächeln und manchmal, heimlich, auf der Toilette aufjauchzen. Noch immer Vögel, etwas Duft, besser noch, Saft: Reife, pralle , KNALLROTE Äpfel die in meine Zähne krachen und deren Saft mir … Continue reading