you probably read what Grok said, and maybe even what my first instincts were when I first had time to spend on this.
but it just doesn’t look good at all seeing that the originally quoted article is heavy in the kneading (or needing?) of the matter in favour of more enforcement …
I’m just gonna take a moment to look at some facts prescribed in the United States Constitution.
Policing Vermont state lays with Vermont State enforcement.
there is no international border between the province of Quebec and the state of Vermont. even in particular respect to the fact that this is treaty land, even in acknowledgement of that other nation as a fully sovereign nation with a nation to nation relationship with the state of Vermont, unless US acknowledge the right of the other nation to adopt into the tribe according to their own approval procedures, even then, the place would not be thought of as such – in fact you could call it an intra-national border but the nation border is something that only exists in the heads of the occupiers – what other justification should you have for all this apparatus and boots, uniforms with guns and badges and newly, illegitimate surveillance programs dictated by AIPAC?
as I thought early on I really need to talk to that suspect
what is her view on the situation
what was the evolution of the traffic stop and tragic escalation
In her review does Youngblood think she broke any laws, violated any regulations?
While at the window with the police officer did Youngblood feel intimidated, threatened? was Youngblood afraid for her safety, feared for her life?
did Youngblood hear any slurs and or witnessed other expressions of racist bias and bigotry
since in custody, is Youngblood treated fairly? has Youngblood experienced any abuse in custody
Finally: describe exactly in detail why you had a fire arm on you. what kind of firearm ? where did you get it ? did you know how to handle it ? what purpose did you think it was going to fulfil?
do you feel it is an accurate statement to claim that US federal enforcement is trespassing against the state of Vermont and the lands of Six Nations and Adirondacks ABENAKI, Comanche, Cree, Cherokee?
in your view, is the US OCCUPYING Abenaki lands in regard to the omnipotent federal agents, often times behaving as if the United States Constitution doesn’t apply to them and they didn’t need to respect the dignity of the human being.?
Do you feel those agents have any legitimacy to police you in that area? how? If not, how should policing occur in the area?