this comes to us from Jonathan@,
<<The Big Food supply has done it again!
There’s been a BIG increase in dangerous fungal infections in the U.S….
That are especially caused by one called Candida auris…which can have FATAL results on human health.
Image Source: New Bedford Guide
The CDC is very concerned…It says there’s a 95% rise in cases…
With many being fatal. There are also MORE cases that don’t respond to regular treatments.
What’s causing this?
Well, experts think farming practicesmight be part of the problem.
For a long time, antifungal chemicals used in farming are similar to those used in hospitals.
One expert, Money, believes that while climate change gets a lot of attention…
Farming might be a BIGGER reason for the rise in these dangerous fungi.
Money says…
“Apples, for example, and other fruitsare sprayed with these antifungal agents that are frighteningly similar to the drugs we use to control life-threatening human infections. So, I think agriculture really is what’s to blame here.”
How is this NOT making it on Big News?
But at the outbreak of this…
Technology Networks reported something VERY mysterious that I know Big Chemical will never embrace…
Or at least admit to you.
They discovered that using human urine as fertilizer for crops could help reduce the use of chemical pesticides.
Image Source: Technology Networks
Researchers found that soil bacteria can handle human urine just as well as synthetic fertilizers.
In their experiment, even when large amounts of urine were applied…
It didn’t harm the soil or significantly change its chemistry.
Manon Rumeau from the University of Birmingham said…
“Our research highlights the potential of recycling human urine to enhance agricultural sustainability, reduce wastewater pollution, and decrease reliance on synthetic fertilizers.
Stored urine can be safely applied to a plant-soil system without negatively impacting the soil microbiome.”
This is GROUNDBREAKING and it just speaks to what I’ve always been so passionate about sharing with you…
The power of urotherapy…that has unfortunately been trash-talked by Big Pharma.
Fresh urine is mostly water (95%) and contains nutrients like urea, which can help plants grow.
In their study, scientists used stored human urine to fertilize spinach plants and compared its effects to synthetic fertilizer and water…
In controlled greenhouse tanks.
After storing the urine for 12 months, it had fewer bacteria but still contained some useful nutrients.
This storage process also increased the urine’s pH level, making it safer by reducing harmful bacteria.
The study found that the soil bacteria were mostly unaffected by the urine, with only a small percentage showing any change.
So this begs the question:
Why is there such a BIG push for the use of deadly chemicals for our crops?
Do you mean to tell me all these big industries don’t know that there IS a healthier way to get around killing pests in our crops?
I highly doubt it!
They know this but they chose to go the deadly way…to make MORE money…
At YOUR expense!
More crazy things are happening in our food supply!
I also read that the U.S. has approved the first genetically modified (GMO) wheat…
Which was created by an Argentine company and a French multinational.
This wheat is designed to be grown with a harmful herbicide called glufosinateammonium….which is banned in the European Union.
The USDA’s approval raises concerns about who makes decisions about food and health for many people…
Because what is coming to light…
Is that this GMO wheat, called HB4, poses health risks and represents a troubling trend in agribusiness’s control over food systems.
While some media outlets celebrate this as a “MASSIVE” advancement for U.S. agriculture…
The company behind the wheat claims it’s a major step in drought-resistant technology…
BUT we know that this is evil!
Studies show that there are MANY reasons to reject this GM wheat. Here’s just a few:
- There’s no public proof that GM wheat is safe for health or the environment.
- Although it’s marketed as drought-resistant, there’s no public evidence to back this up.
- Official studies suggest that GM wheat is less productive than regular wheat.
- In Argentina, the body that approves GMOs is influenced by the same companies that produce them, which creates a conflict of interest.
- The Argentine gvmt does not conduct its own independent research on GMOs, and the companies’ studies are kept secret.
- Over 1,000 scientists have raised concerns about the risks of GM wheat.
Need I say more?
This is why I always encourage us to question things and make our own decisions when it comes to our loves…
Especially when it affects our health!
Where it hurts me MOST is when these devious food makers go as far asknowingly producing food that…
Is known to be dangerous for babies!
As we speak, there’s an investigation going on because it has been found that tests on baby food sold by Target…
Specifically their non-organic apple and pear purees…
Revealed 21 different pesticides…including 12 that are considered VERY harmful to health and the environment.
A group called Friends of the Earthconducted the investigation.
Friends of the Earth
They found that ALL samples containedneonicotinoids, a type of pesticide linked to serious health issues like birth defects…
Learning disorders…
And hormone disruption.
These pesticides are also harmful to the environment…
Because they contribute to the decline of essential pollinators like bees and threaten endangered species.
On top of that, the tests showed that all samples contained breakdown products of organophosphate pesticides…
Which are known to be very toxic…
Especially to children’s developing brains.
These can lead to reduced IQ…attention issues..and learning disabilities.
Kendra Klein, Ph.D., deputy director of science at Friends of the Earth said…
“Pesticides are poisons. The latest science is clear that small exposures to pesticides matter and that cumulative exposures add up, particularly in tiny, rapidly developing babies.
As a mom and scientist, it’s particularly alarming that we found so many toxic pesticides in food intended for babies. Access to clean food is a human right – especially for our kids, who are most vulnerable. ”
Further tests found five pesticides that are very toxic to bees…
And three that are harmful to aquatic life, like fish, in Target’s baby food.
This raises SERIOUS concerns about the impact of these chemicals…
On biodiversity within Target’s food and drink supply chains…
It hurts to know that precious little lives are at risk because of this.
But it gets worse.
Discovering that certain foods contain the same proteins that are found in vaxxes shook me off my seat!
It has been found that there’s a link between vaxxes and food allergies, particularly gelatin and peanut allergies.
One study mentions that these allergies were rare before certain proteins, like gelatin, were added to vaxxes in the late 1980s.
According to data, many children who received a vaxx containing gelatin (DTaP) had allergic reactions…
While none in the control group did.
This tells us that the ingredients in vaxxes may cause allergies to foods that contain similar proteins.
I read an article that explained a Japanese study where a rise in gelatin allergies in children was connected to changes in their vaxx schedule…
Particularly with the introduction of gelatin-containing vaxxes.
When doctors found a link between these vaxxes and allergic reactions to gelatin foods…
They concluded that removing gelatin from the vaxxes reduced allergy cases.
On top of that…
The article raises concerns about changes in vaxx ingredients and the number of shots given to children over the years…
Suggesting that these factors may contribute to increasing food allergies.
The lies will NEVER end, will they?
Just recently, Dr. Guy Hatchard critiqued the New Zealand gvmt’s claims about deregulating biotechnology…
Exposing how much they mislead the public.
He appeared on a radio show to fact-check statements made by biotechnology advocate Dr. Alec Foster and Science and Technology Minister Judith Collins.
Of course…
The gvmt claims that many biotech products are safe and beneficial.
But like Dr. Hatchard, we all know that these products often go unlabelled…
Which complicates efforts to trace potential health issues that may arise from their consumption.
When it comes to cross-pollination issues…
Minister Collins stated that there has only been one instance of cross-pollination from genetically engineered crops….
But Dr. Hatchard refutes this claim…
Because there have been MASSIVE contamination problems faced by organic farmers due to uncontained genetically modified organisms….
And we all know this!
As if that’s not enough…
While the gvmt claims that genetically engineered crops will reduce pesticide use…
We have seen and Dr. Hatchard notes that this remains a controversial topic…
Because MANY studies suggest that these crops may actually increase pesticide reliance.
Then Minister Collins says that new biotech apple trees would produce fruit much faster than traditional varieties…
Yet Dr. Hatchard clarifies that this is NOT currently feasible. (And is dangerous!)
There are so many points that he covered in his fact check…
But Dr. Guy Hatchard’s critique shows us BIG concerns about the potential risks associated with deregulating biotechnology in New Zealand…
And other parts of the world.
He argues that the gvmt is not being transparent about the implications of these policies…
Calling for more open discussions on the matter…
Because as the debate continues…
The public remains wary of the promises made by biotechnology proponents.
It’s truly disheartening to witness how the deception around our health continues…
Especially when it’s clear that those in power are determined to keep the TRUTH hidden.
The gvmt remains secretive…
Manipulating the narrative to suit their own agendas. Take, for instance, the common belief that pesticides are the only solution to control pests in agriculture…
Something we now know isn’t true.
There are far safer, more natural alternatives that work in harmony with the human body, like the use of human urine.
The idea that human urine can be a powerful health protocol has been suppressed for so long…
Even though pharmaceutical companies sell some of the MOST expensive drugs containing urine-derived ingredients.
It’s disturbing that this effective…natural remedy is shunned…
Even though those in the industry are fullyaware of its potential to heal.
I remember Dr. Ed Group sharing some powerful things about it with me, saying…
“Trust me, the way that urine therapy is spreading throughout the world right now, I’m sure the mainstream media, Big Pharma, FDA, are chomping at the bits for somebody to come forward and say urine therapy hurt them or killed them, or reaction. We started talking about urine therapy in 2020, and I can tell you that<> millions of people around the world have started urine therapy. And have we heard of anybody who’s come forward and said that it hurt them. It is not getting worse. It’s your body going through a transitionary process of healing just like a Herxheimer reaction. But have you seen a case in the mainstream media yet, or blasted in the Wall Street Journal, or blasted on CNN or MSNBC? History Channel just came out with a piece on urine therapy talking about how people were brushing their teeth on it. They’re History Channel!
And it was a positive piece. I personally have not had anyone or any case of someone coming back and saying that they were hurt with urine therapy.”
Amidst all this deception…
It’s comforting to know that there are courageous healers who stand for the truth…
Tirelessly sharing this knowledge with the world.
They remind us that there IS hope and that we can reclaim our health through nature’s wisdom.
With this, I encourage you to stay curious…
Be vigilant…
And continue to keep the faith.
God bless you!
To your health,
Jonathan Otto
Health Secret LLC, 165 Ponce De Leon, Suite 201, San Juan Puerto Rico, 00917