ON Bill 100 Tyranny ? or the last spasms of a vanishing ghost?

The corporation of Canada has no jurisdiction over indigenous peoples. everybody born in Canada and living in Canada can since Canada ratified UNDRIP last summer solstice be indigenous PS you don’t need a license to operate a private vehicle on public property. Check out how these decade-long constitutional Métis professionals illustrate and sue for only $200 – askit4equity.com

Ontario Bill 100 TYRANNY ENSHRINED IN LAW https://t.co/ShQrJN5mI4 via @YouTube. Fact: corp of C has no jurisdiction over indigenous peoples. ps: no license required 4 a private vehicle on public property. constitutional Métis pros illustrate + sue 4 $200 – askit4 equity . C o m

— abroadcom.net (@marenAbroadcom) April 7, 2022