Stephen Harper to meet Chief Theresa Spence on Friday amidst accusations of a smear campaign

Attawapiskat Buchhalter Clayton Kennedy fordert die Bundesregierung unter Stephen Harper auf, etwas gründlicher zu recherchieren.

“If you’re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.” ― Malcolm X

Hier ist eine Sammlung von Artikeln und Reports mit Informationen zu den Mismanagement Vorwürfen in Attawapiskat, sie stammt von Derek @ Occupy Canada.

This newly released audit leak to CBC News on Attawapiskat 4 days before a meeting with Stephen Harper and First Nation leaders is a smear campaign, the consultant firm Deloitte Inc who is behind the audit was hired by the Harper government and awarded a $19.8 million dollar contract where consultants were paid $90,000 a day for advice.

“The accounting firm Deloitte was engaged to perform the audit. CBC News obtained a copy of the audit before it was made public.”

“The Harper government payed a management consultant firm Deloitte Inc almost $90,000 a day for advice on how to save money. Deloitte Inc. was hired on Aug. 15 on a $19.8-million contract to advise the federal cabinet and senior officials on finding enough savings to balance the books by 2014.”

Appointing third-party manager to Attawapiskat ‘unreasonable’: rules federal court

It was “unreasonable in all circumstances” for the harper government to appoint a third-party manager in response to an unfolding humanitarian crisis in the troubled First Nations community of Attawapiskat, the Federal Court ruled”

Chief Theresa Spence’s release called the leaked audit “no more than a distraction of the true issue … to discredit Chief Spence who is willing to lay down her life for a larger cause. Her spokesman, Danny Metatawabin, had earlier accused the Harper Conservatives of “trying to undermine the process here, the movement of the people.”

The real math behind Attawapiskat’s $90 million

Attawapiskat: You Want to Be Shown the Money? Here it Is.

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