Who Put The Blame On Who (excerpt) PEACEWORK choices 2007
The Harper Song (Steve, It’s Time To Leave) John Roby – kam vor etwa 2 Jahren heraus, aber ich habe es gerade erst entdeckt und weil der kanadische Premierminister immer noch munter daran arbeitet, totalitäre Verhältnisse zu schaffen, musste ich es einfach hier spielen – John Roby ist das am Klavier und singt darüber, dass Stephen Harper lieber abdanken sollte, anstelle das Parlament kaltzustellen und Steuerzahler-Milliarden für überzogene Gefängnisse und Abfangjäger mit grösster Verschleierung der wahren Kosten zu verschwenden – und damit herzlich willkommen in meiner musikalischen Bar hier im Wonnemonat Mai – das Wetter ist herrlich, die Nächte schon ungewohnt lau – leider gibt es gerade noch vor Redaktionsschluss sehr schlechte Nachrichten, anscheinend ist die Youtube Seite von Occupy Canada komplett geschlossen worden, wie die Bürgerbewegung auf ihrer Facebook Seite meldet, einer der Mit-Begründer, Derek Soberal, muss sich vor Gericht wegen sehr umstrittener Anklagen verantworten, scheinbar Terrorismus-verdächtig, jedoch meist schlicht die kanadische Regierung offen kritisierend und schonungslos die Schattenseiten des korrupten kanadischen Extrem-Kapitalismus beleuchtend – diese Zensur ist nicht zu rechtfertigen, da Soberal lediglich Treffen seiner Organisationsmitglieder organisierte und filmte – das Recht auf freie Meinungsäußerung und die Versammlungsfreiheit ist in Kanada genau wie in den USA staatlich geschützt, daher scheint der Prozeß fragwürdig, speziell wenn man um jüngste Versuche des häufig als dumm-konservativ verspotteteten Regierungschefs weiß, Wissenschaftler und insbesondere Umweltforscher mundtot zu halten. Interviews können nur noch mit einem Zensor gehalten werden, Berichterstattung über Umweltthemen ist 80 Prozent zurückgegangen, auch weil wichtige Umweltforschungsprogramme komplett gestrichen sind und viele zu viele Umweltwissenschaftler gefeuert worden sind. Daher werde ich die Gelegenheit nutzen, diese Mitteilung von Occupy Canada hier in voller Länge zu übersetzen:
Occupy Canada
Occupy Canada has been CENSORED! Our official Youtube channel we use to host important videos as our main social media hub, with over 4 million hits featuring protest videos, encouraging public speaking, charter rights and freedoms violations, was removed in its entirety. Our videos have been featured in multiple media and university publications and have been linked to far and wide having a major impact on people waking up to the crimes of our current rogue government under Stephen Harper and the elite he takes his orders from. This Censorship is a direct result of the Harper government’s influence on silencing political dissent in what used to be a great nation.
As a result of silencing critiques of the Canadian government and the corporations they are in partnership with we are quickly heading into an Orwellian world. Other important speakers are also being muzzled by this Harper government. The Harper government is cracking down on charitable organizations such as the one that David Suzuki started. Harper now also wants to control the CBC and make it state sponsored propaganda television. Our Canadian scientists have been silenced. Artists, librarians and archivists have been muzzled. Parks Canada employees have been told not to criticize the government. Currently, 9 conservative MP’s have been silenced from within their own party, and even the RCMP was recently reported by the media as being muzzled.
The Harper onslaught is taking its toll which is plain to see for anyone paying attention which requires going around the corporate controlled mainstream media and following alternative media such as what Occupy Canada has been providing. However this is in direct threat of being silenced. Further to this Derek Soberal, founder of Occupy Canada, is being bullied with trumped up charges he accrued while organizing and filming public gatherings.
We don’t know whether we can continue posting everyday as we have since 2011 as we need to take time for ourselves to re-group. An on-going court case on trumped up charges have also muzzled from disseminating news and information daily. This is not the first time he’s been targeted for organizing or filming protests. Canadians are being muzzled, freedom of speech is under attack, censorship is happening, WAKE UP! speak out while you still can. If this isn’t a sign of oppression and the erosion of freedom in Canada what is? More info coming soon on how you can help us continue. Your participation is vital.
Share all posts, spread the word! start talking about what’s happening to Canada at work, with your friends, and in your homes, you have to RISE UP and share this information while you can, It’s up to you Canada. SHARE THIS POST -OC
Pandora’s Box Wide Open David Francey So Say We All 2013
Gemäß Dokumenten, die dem kanadischen Parlament im Unterhaus seit Anfang dieser Woche vorliegen, hat Stephen Harper in den letzten zwei Jahren 23 Millionen kanadische Dollar dafür ausgeben, Abgeordnete seiner eigenen Partei in der Presse zu verfolgen, also zu überwachen, in welchen Medien diese Abgeordneten erschienen oder Artikel über ihre Aktivitäten mit welchen Zitaten und welchen Äußerungen in welchen Zeitungen abgedruckt wurden, ohne dass sich diese Volksvertreter darüber im Klaren waren. Neun konservative Parlamentsmitglieder beschwerten sich sogar, dass sie dazu angehalten wurden, die Regierung nicht zu kritisieren und zu bestimmten Streitfragen nicht zu sprechen. Occupy Canada bezeichnet das als Orwellian, also wie bei George Orwell beschrieben, der hatte uns ja prophezeit in einem bestimmten Moment des Informationszeitalters immer und ständig einen Big Brother über die Schulter linsen zu haben – der große Bruder, der für uns die Entscheidungen trifft, das geht mit einer Demokratie eigentlich nicht so gut einher – darin besteht auch das große Problem, denn in Kanada hat man ja nach wie vor nur eine Stimme bei der Wahl zum Parlament, alles Direktmandate – eigentlich sollte das zur Folge haben, dass die vor Ort Interessen durch die Volksvertreter aus der entsprechenden Region besser geschützt und gehört werden. Wenn jedoch die Abgeordnten allesamt auf Parteiline getrimmt werden, dann gibt es keine Representation mehr. So mehren sich auch die Stimmen von Umweltschutzverbänden, Gewerkschaften, Bürgerinitiativen und Forschungseinrichtungen: Von der kanadischen Demokratie, wenn’s denn jemals sowas gab, wie einige spötteln, ist augenblicklich nichts zu spüren, alles findet statt hinter verschlossenen Türen – Dazu gibt es auch einen Artikel in der Huffington Post, die hat gerade den achten Geburtstag seit Bestehen gehabt, herzlichen Glückwunsch! Den Link könnt ihr wie immer nachsehen auf meiner Internetseite www punkt Abroadcom punkt net, dort sollten irgendwann auch alle Playlisten der hier gespielten Musik zu finden sein, ich hatte in letzter Zeit viel mit meiner eigenen Musik zu tun, daher habt etwas Geduld mit mir, ich arbeite daran. Wo wir von Musik sprechen, hier ist eine akustische Version eines meiner Stückchen, passend zur Jahreszeit habe ich es “A Lush Night in May” genannt.
A Lush Night In May tongue & groove 2012
Talking Proportional Representation Blues James Gordon
Talking Proportional Representation Blues, ein soeben auf Youtube vorgestelltes Stückchen von James Gordon ist das, er macht sich in diesem Titel für die Proportionale Representation stark, interessant, wie viele Länder er auflistet, die ihre Abgeordneten schon mittels dieser Berechnung bestimmen – James Gordon lädt außerdem ein zu einem interessanten Projekt, er arbeitet an “Stephen Harper: The Musical” und wartet auf Video Clips, die während 20 Sekunden zeigen, was Harper den Protagonisten und dem Land angetan hat, hört sich dramatisch an, ist es leider auch – eine Collage dieser Videoclips soll den ersten Akt zu Gordon’s Musical bilden, da darf man dann schonmal gespannt sein. In einer email zeigt James Gordon einige Anregungen auf, die Liste ist so lang, sie erinnerte mich an dieses Lied über George W’s zahllose politischen Verfehlungen während der Refrain leicht zu merken war: “Clinton got a blowjob”. Ich möchte sie Euch nicht länger vorenthalten und lese diese email von James Gordon daher hier vor:
Stephen Harper, u ….
Stephen Harper has spent millions of our tax payer dollars tracking his own MP’s , it’s not only orwellian, it’s big brother. Many of these MP’s had no idea Harper was doing this. This comes after 9 conservative MP’s complained of being muzzled by their own party.
“The Harper government has spent more than $23 million over the last two years on media monitoring — including more than $2.4 million tracking some of its own backbench MPs in television interviews, radio and print, according documents tabled in the House of Commons earlier this week.”
source: http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2013/05/08/harper-government-monitors-backbench-mps_n_3240080.html
9th Conservative MP speaks out against being muzzled
Conservative MPs complain of being muzzled by their own party
>http://bit.ly/10N7qqV -D
You guys better be prepared to get nixed by Factor, the Canada Council and to receive a letter from Revenue Canada. And your rights to birth control erased.
On 2013-04-11, at 4:23 PM, James Gordon wrote:
> I’m actually looking for a Harper wig for the show… Apparently he wears one himself, though he is unlikely to lend it to me for the run.
> In the show I have a dialogue with Hippy Jesus about Harper’s religious beliefs. I was in his church in Calgary earlier this year. It looks like a shopping mall. scary.
> Hadn’t thought of the piano playing before. I’m gonna add that to the show!
> Also looking for venues for this if you have any ideas… Starting in June i’m in Southern Ontario with it.
> Thanks
> James
>> Thank you for a comprehensive list of the glories that are the Conservative government. You could add:
>> He gives piano playing a bad name.
>> He indeed looks like a guy who keeps his hair in the fridge.
>> And he belongs to weird Christian sect that equates right-wing capitalism with the teachings of Christ.
>> On 2013-04-11, at 3:40 PM, James Gordon wrote:
>>> HI Posters! How would you guys like to be IN my new show: Stephen Harper: the Musical! In act One I’m doing a video collage of people speaking directly to our Crime Minister with a short personal reflection of what he has done to YOU and our country. approx 20 seconds. Not needing high quality. SO.. you could film yourself on your precious device and email it to me at james@jamesgordon.ca . If you are in the Greater Guelph area, (and really, what’s greater than Guelph?), I could bring MY precious device to you. Here’s your chance to speak your mind! Here are some examples to stimulate your thinking:
>>> You pulled Canada out of the Northern Dimension Partnership on Public Health and Social Well-Being
>>> You pulled us out of the Kyoto Agreement
>>> You made us an embarrassment on the world stage
>>> You prorogued parliament
>>> You targeted environmentalists as terrorists
>>> You cancelled the long form census
>>> You undermined democracy
>>> You muzzled scientists
>>> You cheated in two elections
>>> you turned our surplus into debt
>>> You favour U.S. style bank deregulation
>>> you were found to be in contempt of parliament
>>> You want to break up universal health care
>>> You Shut down Women’s and Minority advocacy groups
>>> You targeted legitimate charities
>>> You have shown nothing but disdain for our first nations
>>> The Economic Action plan has been to the benefit of the super rich
>>> Many of your advisors actually have criminal records for fraud
>>> You Loosened regulations to allow more chemical residues on your food
>>> You cut back testing and inspections on our food!
>>> At the 2010 G20 summit in Toronto, you spent $1.9 million building an artifical lake and nearly $1 Billion on security for the 3 day event. 1,105 arrests were made – the largest mass arrest in Canadian history. Of those 1,105 arrests, only 99 criminal charges were laid.
>>> You Killed the Wheat Board!
>>> You fired Linda Keen, President of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission for reporting that the aging Chalk River nuclear facility was at a risk 1000 times greater than the international average.
>>> You have shut down Canadian aid to the world’s most impoverished countries
>>> *You want to buy 65 stealth fighter jets using $29 billion of tax payers’ money
>>> That works out to around $1000 per person in Canada. The Conservatives initially reported the cost would be $9 billion, plus $7 billion in maintenance costs. In March, Parliamentary Budget Officer Kevin Page warned Canadians that you were low-balling the cost by more than $12 billion.
>>> You Refused to sign a UN declaration designating clean water as a human right.
>>> You failed to allocate any new funding for drinking water on First Nations reserves. 100 First Nations communities currently have water advisories, including 49 communities which are high risk.
>>> You cut $1.2 Billion from the establishment of national childcare, but failed to keep your promise of cutting the $1.4 billion in tax breaks you give to oil companies, which continue to see record profits.
>>> You have been Sabotaging efforts to deal with climate change
>>> Protecting the interests of large oil companies, you have fought global efforts to deal with climate change. In 2009, you cut science research funding by $138 Million, and imposed limitations on scientists at Environment Canada, requiring that they obtain permission to do interviews, and often screened their responses. The result is that Canadian media coverage of climate change science has been reduced by 80%. Your efforts here have been so destructive, that in 2009 prominent politicians and scientists called for Canada to be removed from the Commonwealth. The last time this mark of shame was used, it was against South Africa while it was still under racist apartheid rule.
>>> You cancelled the Kelowna Accord which would have allocated 5 Billion dollars towards improving the quality of health and education for our first nations peoples
>>> You tarnished our international reputation as peacekeepers
>>> You are trying to spy on our internet activities
>>> Even though crime rates have been falling for a decade, you plan to implement tougher laws, and to incarcerate more Canadians than ever before. By closing prison farms, and rehabilitation centres, inmates will be hardened, instead of healed.
>>> You Renamed ‘The Government of Canada’ to and named it after yourself, and took down pictures of former prime ministers in the Parliament and replaced them with pictures of you.
>>> You had your photo taken with Pandas instead of meeting cree youth who had walked through the snow for more than two months to meet you
>>> You changed 74 pieces of legislation without debate or due process
>>> You went after Old Age Security to fight the deficit
>>> You went after our librarians!
>>> Under your reign, Canada’s military spending has reached its highest levels since World War II.
>>> james
>>> James Gordon
>>> james@jamesgordon.ca
>>> www.jamesgordon.ca
>>> Electronic Press Kit:
>>> http://www.sonicbids.com/JamesGordon2
>>> Youtube Channel: ( A new video up every month!)
>>> http://www.youtube.com/user/JamesSGordon?feature=mhum
>>> “On with the show, this is it”… B. Bunny
Lone Wolf Jadea Kelly Clover May 2013
Who Put The Blame On Who (excerpt) PEACEWORK choices 2007