CBC EDMONTON apologizes faking a set


Actions non-worthy of a state broadcaster.

From #TrueNorth

On Thursday, CBC was forced to apologize for using a fake hospital setting and mannequins posing as patients for a broadcast on the COVID-19 pandemic earlier this week. 

In a tweet by CBC Edmonton, the outlet addressed what it called an “editorial error” in their programming. 

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Bob Rae (Liberal Party of Canada) illustriert Rechtslage bezüglich First Nations’ Land

Anmerkung der Redaktion: This is far from being a “down dressing” and it speaks of your ignorance how media really works 2 sell it off that way, Occupy Canada – Milewski might be applying a certain journalistic method which results in a more powerful answer of his interview partner. Even implying a line of argumentation generally associated with Harper-Cons, fact is we have no idea where MIlewski stands, and it is very professional, that we still don’t at the end of this clip. Milewski is none but a medium 2 illustrate the in4mation – it is of no importance what his opinion is, it is important 2 hear as much as possible from our leaders, what their position is, so we can vote them off if they do not deliver. Cudos 2 Milewski 4 setting the stage 4 some real in4mation.

And I couldn’t agree more with Ryan Cornell … Continue reading

Election fraud – Robocalls update/background

Wähler in sieben Wahlkreisen seien mit Telefonmarketing zum falschen Wahllokal gelockt worden, so eine Umfrage, die vom Council of Canadians in Auftrag gegeben wurde. In jedem davon gewann der Kandidat der Konservativen Partei. Die im Kontinent überall vertretene Bürgerrechtsgruppe bezweifelt die Legimität der Ergebnisse in jenen Wahlkreisen.

Ein Update zusammengestellt von der Canadian Broadcasting Corporation CBC:

“Those who had already answered questions about for whom they would vote were almost twice as likely to receive a call that their polling station had changed, the poll found, with 34 per cent who identified their voting intention reporting polling station calls versus 18 per cent who wouldn’t say for whom they planned to vote.

Voters surveyed by Ekos in the seven target ridings were more likely to get misleading calls claiming their polling stations had changed. The poll found 3.8 per cent of those surveyed in the subject ridings got … Continue reading

what a storm – wind of change?

This is 2 let y’all know that the playlist 4 April is coming soon, but also really interesting show on CBC radio 1 Winnipeg, about the arts and how much and in which way the are or have been part of party policies – did u know that CTV and CBC both have a challenge b4 the courts 2 show that Canadian current law prohibiting the reporting on the numbers of votes b4 election day is actually UNCONSTITUTIONAL?

Couldn’t help thinking, how different the communication models and assumptions about political opinion forming seem 2 be:
Existing law favours traditional media channels and party advertisement – top-down delivery.

With popular social networks such as Twitter, the law is basically impossible 2 be enforced and with these channels spiking out and achieving 3-dimensional connectivity of any of their members, the possible intake and distribution of information is not only widely branched … Continue reading

Lindy und die Polizei

Did you know that Provincial Police
– across Canada do not keep any record of the strip searches that they perform?
– with their persistent refusal to integrate records of strip searches, to obtain the permission of a supervisor and to respect gender with same sex officers violate the order of law as sentenced by Canada’s Supreme Court for ten years now?
– in Toronto court cases have records from the years 2001-05 indicating the biggest strip searched group were under 17 year old girls and about every THIRD arrested person with rising trend was strip searched?
– across Canada seem to incorporate strip searches not as a means of assuring security for all involved but for the purpose of intimidation according to scientific analysis of court cases involving strip searches?

I just have the song for all you outraged friends of freedom:
Gonna … Continue reading